gptsapiChannel Manager Hotel Availability Notify Request is used to set specific room availability configurations to a hotel in Client's system (room+rate in the specific hotel for the specific date range)
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| HotelCodeContext* | string | Describes a context where the hotel code is taken, identifier of a Client's API. | 1...1 |
AvailStatusMessage* |
| Contains information about rooms availability such as number of available rooms of a particular type and rate, and time span of when these rooms are available. | 1...* |
HotelCode* | string (1 - 64) | Identifies a specific hotel in a Client's API system. In each RateAmountMessage element can be one HotelCode, but they can be different in this messages. | 1...1 | |
OriginHotelCodeContext* | string | Shows from which supplier the request came from. | 1...1 | |
BookingLimit | integer | Specifies the number of available rooms of specific type and rate. | 0...1 | |
AvailStatusMessage/StatusApplicationControl* |
| Contains values of time period when a room is available, as well as identifiers of an exact room. | 1...1 |
Start* | yyyy-mm-dd | Indicates a start of availability status of a room. | 1...1 | |
End* | yyyy-mm-dd | Indicates an end of availability status of a room. | 1...1 | |
RatePlanCode* | string (1 - 64) | Specifies a rate plan code of a room (value can be taken from Hotel Availability response). | 1...1 | |
InvTypeCode* | string (1 - 32) | Contains a RoomTypeCode of a room (value can be taken from Hotel Availability Response). | 1...1 | |
CloseDateStatus | string ("CTA", "CTD", "CTAD", "OTAD") | Specifies the restriction for the room availability in terms of arrival\departure date. Possible values: “CTA“ - close to arrival, “CTD“ - close to departure, “CTAD“ - close to arrival and to departure, “OTAD“ - open to arrival and to departure. If it’s not set that means there is no such a restriction. | 0...1 | |
AvailStatusMessage/LengthsOfStay |
| Сontains information about room booking period. | 0...1 |
AvailStatusMessage/LengthsOfStay/LengthOfStay* |
| Сontains value of maximum and/or minimum period for which a room could be booked | 1...2 |
Time | integer | Specifies a number of days that a room could be booked. | 0...1 | |
MinMaxMessageType* | string ("SetMinLOS", "SetMaxLOS") | The “SetMinLOS” value specifies minimum amount of days, “SetMaxLOS” specifies maximum amount of days a room could be booked. | 1...1 | |
AvailStatusMessage/RestrictionStatus |
| Describes if the room is available for booking. | 0...1 |
Status* | string ("Open", "Close") | Possible values: “Open” - means that a room is available for booking, “Close” - set a room as unavailable to book. | 1...1 |