Channel Manager Hotel Reservation Notify Request is used to notify a Channel Manager about a reservation made via Client's API.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus* | string ("Modify", "Commit", "Cancel") | Defines a status of the booking. Possible values are: “Modify” - is a status to notify that the booking has been modified via Client's API. The values of date and pax names in the request are updated ones. “Commit” - is a status to notify about the fact a booking of a particular offer has been made via Client's API. “Cancel” - is a status to notify about that a particular booking has been cancelled via Client's API. | 1...1 |
| Contains information about the reservation that are to be confirmed/modified/cancelled. | 1...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| CreateDateTime | yyy-dd-mm T hh-MM-ss or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX | Defines date and time when a reservation was created. | 0...1 |
| LastModifyDateTime | yyy-dd-mm T hh-MM-ss or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX | Defines date and time when a reservation was modified last time. | 0...1 |
UniqueID* |
| Information about identifier of a booking (order) in Client's API system. | 1...1 |
| ID* | string (1 - 64) | Is equal to unique identifier of a booking (order) in Client's API system. | 1...1 |
| Type* | integer | Defines unique ID type and always set as "1". | 1...1 |
| Defines the rate in a certain hotel. | 0...* | |
| Defines details of the guests in the reservation. | 0...* | |
| Contains general details about the reservation. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
RoomTypes/RoomType |
| Defines a room type that is to be booked/modified/cancelled. | 0...1 |
| RoomTypeCode* | string (1 - 64) | A compound code of a room in a Client's system. | 1...1 |
RoomStays/RoomStay/RoomTypes/RoomType/RoomDescription |
| Contains description of the room. | 0...1 |
| Name* | string (1 - 512) | Gives a short description of the room. | 1...1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |
RoomTypes/RoomType/RoomDescription/Text |
| string | Contains detailed room description, for example: "Deluxe Double with high speed internet", if the detailed description provided by supplier. Otherwise the Text contains the same value as the @Name attribute. | 0...1 |
RatePlans/RatePlan |
| Defines a rate plan of a room. | 0...1 |
| RatePlanCode* | string (1 - 64) | Specifies a rate plan code of a room. | 1...1 |
RatePlans/RatePlan/RatePlanDescription |
| Contains description of meal available at hotel. | 0...1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |
RatePlans/RatePlan/RatePlanDescription/Text |
| string | Gives a short description of rate plan of a room. | 0...1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |
| 1...1 | ||
RatePlans/RatePlan/MealsIncluded |
| Defines a specific meal included into the rate plan. | 0...1 |
| MealPlanCodes | string | Uses standard OTA codes "Meal Plan Type (MPT)" and specifies type of meal. | 0...1 |
| Contains room offer description. | 0...1 | |
GuestCounts/GuestCount* |
| Is used to provide number of guests as well as their age category. | 1...3 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |
| Count* | integer (1 - 999) | Specifies how many guests of this age are presented. | 1...1 |
TimeSpan* |
| Displays an start and end day of stay. | 1...1 |
| Start* | yyyy-mm-dd | Defines a start day of stay. | 1...1 |
| End* | yyyy-mm-dd | Displays an end day of stay. | 1...1 |
Total* |
| The total price of the offer (after discount, if any has been applied). | 1...1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |
| 1...1 | ||
BasicPropertyInfo* |
| Provides basic hotel information. | 1...1 |
| HotelCode* | string (1 - 64) | Defines a hotel code. | 1...1 |
| HotelCodeContext* | string | Specifies the context the HotelCode should be taken from (should be in client's API context only). | 1...1 |
| HotelName* | string (1 - 255) | Contains hotel name. | 0...1 |
ResGuestRPHs/ResGuestRPH |
| Contains a guest identifier, includes all the guests who stay in a particular room. | 0...* |
| RPH | integer (1 - 9) | Identifier of a guest in the reservation. | 0...1 |
Comments/Comment/Text |
| string | Any free-text comments to be sent to supplier in the booking. Comments will be passed to supplier, but it is not guaranteed that they will be satisfied. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| RoomTypeCode* | string (1 - 64) | Room type code of a room to be booked/modified/cancelled. | 1...1 |
RatePlanCode | string (1 - 64) | Rate plan code of a room to be booked/modified/cancelled. | 0...1 | |
NumberOfUnits* | integer (1 - 999) | Is always set to "1". | 1...1 | |
InvBlockCode* | integer | Represents a room identifier. Must start from 1 and must be unique for every RoomRate. | 1...1 | |
Rates |
| Individual rate amount by dates
| 0..1 |
Rates/Rate* |
| 1..* | |
| Total price of individual rate | 0..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResGuestRPH | integer (1 - 9 | Unique id of a guest in the reservation. | 0...1 |
| PrimaryIndicator | boolean | If it is set to true – the guest is a TourLead. | 0...1 |
Profiles* |
| Contains personal details of a guest. | 1...1 |
Profiles/ProfileInfo* |
| 1...* | |
Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile |
| 1...1 |
| ProfileType | integer (1, 4) | For a Customer it is always equal to "1" - OTA code for Customer. | 0...1 |
| Contains basic information about the customer. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| BirthDate | yyyy-mm-dd | Must be specified for children and infants. | 0...1 |
PersonName/NamePrefix |
| string ("Mr", "Ms", "Mrs") | Name prefix of the guest. | 0...1 |
PersonName/GivenName |
| string (1-64) | First name of the guest. | 0...1 |
PersonName/Surname |
| string (1-64) | Surname of the guest. | 0...1 |
Telephone |
| Contains information about passenger's phone. It is enough to submit Telephone only for the tour lead. | 0...1 |
CountryAccessCode | string (1 - 3) | Code assigned by telecommunications authorities for international country access identifier. | 0...1 | |
AreaCityCode | string (1 - 8) | Code assigned for telephones in a specific region, city, or area. | 0...1 | |
PhoneNumber* | string (1 - 32) | Passenger's phone number. | 1...1 | |
PhoneLocationType | integer (6, 7, 8) | Indicates location type for passenger's phone number. Possible values: 6 (Home), 7 (Office), 8 (Other). | 0...1 | |
PhoneTechType | integer (3, 5) | Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number. Possible values: 5 (Mobile), 3 (Fax). | 0...1 | |
| string (1-128) | Contains information about passenger's email. It is enough to submit Email only for the tour lead. | 0...5 | |
CitizenCountryName |
| (Self-professed) country that is claimed for citizenship. | 0...2 |
| Code | 2-3 character country code | ISO-2 or ISO-3 country code. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Total* |
| The total price of the offer (after discount, if any has been applied). | 1...1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |
| 1...1 | ||
HotelReservationIDs/HotelReservationID* |
| Contains unique identifier of a booking. | 1...1 |
| ResID_Type* | string | Always has value = 1. | 1...1 |
| ResID_Source* | string ("basket") | Allows to pass client (agent) booking reference that is generated by application connecting to GP Travel HUB for identification of each booking. Has value "basket" for the whole list of room reservations. | 1...1 |
| ResID_Value* | string | Displays unique reservation identifier in Client's API system. | 1...1 |
Profiles |
| Contains an information about reservation creator. It can be either travel agent info or customer or both | 0...1 |
| 1...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
UniqueID |
| UniqueID is presented in case a reservation has been made by a Travel Agent (not a single Customer). | 0...1 |
| ID | string (1 - 64) | A unique id of a Travel Agent who is using Client's API. | 0...1 |
| Type | integer | The required attribute with fixed value "1". | 0...1 |
Profile* |
| 1...1 |
| ProfileType | integer (1, 4) | Defines type of the profile. Possible values: "4" - OTA code for a Travel Agent, "1" - OTA code for a Customer. | 0...1 |
Profile/Customer |
| If a ProfileType attribute = "1" then a Customer tag is presented and defines the name of a guest. | 0...1 |
Profile/Customer/PersonName |
| Contains full name of the guest. | 0...1 |
Profile/Customer/PersonName/NamePrefix |
| string ("Mr", "Ms", "Mrs") | Name prefix of the guest. | 0...1 |
Profile/Customer/PersonName/GivenName* |
| string | First name of the guest. | 1...1 |
Profile/Customer/PersonName/Surname* |
| string | Surname of the guest. | 1...1 |
Profile/CompanyInfo/CompanyName |
| string | If ProfileType attribute = "4" then a CompanyInfo tag is presented and defines the name of a Travel Agent Company. | 0...1 |