

GP Travel HUB API provides communication and data exchange between Channel Manager and the following systems (Client's API from the diagram below):

- Hotels PMSes (Property Management Systems). Sending formation to Channel Manager about existing rooms, rate plans, orders and partners (OTA). Getting from Channel Manager data: prices, allotment, rate plans, and other hotels data.

- Online Travel Agents. Inserting orders to Channel Manager.

Diagram 1.1.1. General Channel Manager flow

The key parts of integration are: Channel Manager - GP Travel HUB - Client's API

Channel Manager could send requests to get a list of room types and rate plans in a particular hotel, to update an availability status of specific hotel (set available dates and a booking limit), to update a rate value of a specific rooms and set the amount of extra beds available.

HUB can synchronize reservations between Client’s API and Channel Manager, when Channel Manager gets information about room(s) booked.

GP Travel HUB is a key unit of a chain between Client's API and Channel Manager: it transforms requests from Channel Manager to an applicable format for Client's API and sends these requests to Client's API, same happens vice verse (HUB transforms requests sent by Client's API to an appropriate format and then sends these requests to a Channel Manager).

Diagram 1.1.2. An integration flow of Channel Manager - GP Travel HUB - Client's API


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