In Low Fare Search Response you will get a list of available flights that most closely meets the requirements of the search parameters, including fares, airline names, rules, booking class, terminals, ticketing and etc with best price available.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0..1 | |
| 1..99 | ||
PricedItineraries |
| Represents flight offers with associated fares. | 0..1 |
| Contains itinerary with pricing information. | 1..* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| CodeContext* | string | Contains the id of supplier providing offer. | 1..1 |
BookingCode* | string | Unique id of offer. It should be used in booking request, to get air details or air rules. | 1..1 | |
AvailabilityStatus | string ("AvailableForSale", "OnRequest") | Status of the flight offer. There will be one of the following statuses: “AvailableForSale” - offer is ready to be booked. “OnRequest” - the price and availability of the offer can be changed during booking process. If attribute is missing it means that AvailabilityStatus is “AvailableForSale”. | 0..1 | |
| Contains flight information. | 1..1 | |
| Contains fare details. | 1..1 | |
TicketingInfo |
| Contains information about the ticketing arrangement. | 0..1 |
TicketTimeLimit | YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss. | Indicates that an itinerary must be ticketed by a certain date and time. If not specified, than supplier will define the ticket time limit later. | 0..1 | |
TicketingInfo/TicketAdvisory |
| string | Contains additional information about ticketing (number of blanks etc). | 0..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
OriginDestinationOptions* |
| Contains information about requested flight. | 1..1 |
OriginDestinationOptions/ OriginDestinationOption* |
| A container for flight segments. | 1..* |
RPH* | integer | Refers to the RPH attribute in the Flight Low Search Request. So that you can easily find what flight in response corresponds to a flight segment in request. | 1..1 | |
JourneyDuration* | PTnHnMnS | Total flying time for all legs of this journey (e.g. total time from origin to destination for all legs, including ground times). | 1..1 | |
MajorityAirline | string | The majority airline code for this flight. It is recommended to display the majority airline logo for the origin/destination option. | 0..1 | |
OriginDestinationOptions/ OriginDestinationOption/FlightSegment* |
| A container for necessary data to describe legs of a single flight. | 1..* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ArrivalDateTime* | YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss. | Contains arrival date and local time in the arrival airport. | 1..1 |
DepartureDateTime* | YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss. | Contains departure date and local time in the departure airport. | 1..1 | |
StopQuantity* | integer | Indicates the number of stops. | 1..1 | |
FlightNumber* | integer | The flight number. | 1..1 | |
RPH* | integer | The flight segment unique ID. | 1..1 | |
FlightDuration | PTnHnMnS | Contains flight duration in format. | 0..1 | |
DepartureAirport* |
| Identifies departure point of flight segment. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | |||
ArrivalAirport* |
| Identifies arrival point of flight segment. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | |||
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
| 1..1 | ||
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| FilingAirlineCodeList | string | Contains the list of codes of the validating airlines. | 0..1 |
PricingSource | string ("Published", "Private", "WebFare") | Identifies if fare private or not. In case of private fare has "Private" value, also can be "Published". For LCC it has value "WebFare"; otherwise element is absent. | 0..1 | |
| Identifies total price of the itinerary. | 1..1 | |
PTC_FareBreakdowns |
| Contains fare breakdowns per passenger type. | 0..1 |
| Contains fare breakdowns per passenger. | 1..* | |
FareInfos |
| Contains textual information on individual priced fares. | 0..1 |
| 0..10 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
BaseFare* |
| Identifies price of the inventory excluding taxes and fees. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| 1..1 | |||
Taxes |
| A collection of Taxes. | 0..1 |
Taxes/Tax* |
| Contains information about particular tax. | 1..* |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| 1..1 | |||
TaxCode* | string (2-10) | Identifies the type of tax. If it is not returned by supplier the value will be “17“. | 1..1 | |
TotalFare* |
| Identifies the total price that the passenger would pay (includes fare, taxes, fees). | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | ||
| 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| FilingAirlineCode | string (2-3) | The code of the validating airline on current segment. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Flight Low Fare Search Request section. | 1..1 | |
FareBasisCodes |
| Identifies list of fare codes applied. | 0..1 |
FareBasisCodes/FareBasisCode* |
| Identifies fare code applied. | 1..* |
FlightSegmentRPH | string | Refers to the RPH attribute in AirItinerary element which identifies the flight segment the fare is applied to. | 0..1 | |
BrandID | string | Used for branded fares (fares, including specific services and benefits). Defines the ID of a brand, to which the fare belongs. Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. | 0..1 | |
BrandName | string | Defines the name of brand, to which the fare belongs. | 0..1 | |
TicketDesignatorCode | string (1-16) | Defines the actual passenger type code use by airline for pricing. GP Travel HUB will show this attribute if this type code differs from requested PTC. Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. | 0..1 | |
| Identifies passenger fare. Elements and attributes are the same as in PTC_FareBreakdowns/PTC_FareBreakdown element. | 0..1 | |
Endorsements | NonRefundableIndicator* | boolean | Shows whether it's possible to refund offer or not. | 1..1 |
BaggageAllowances/BaggageAllowance* |
| Contains rules providing baggage restriction for each flight segment and passenger type. Baggage restriction can be per unit, or for weight. | 1..* |
UnitOfMeasureCode* | string ("PC" , "K" , "L" ) | Indicates the unit of measure in a code format. Possible values: "PC" (pieces), "K" (kilograms), "L" (pounds). | 1..1 | |
UnitOfMeasureQuantity* | string | The numeric value associated with the measurement. | 1..1 | |
FlightSegmentRPH* | string | Refers to the flight segment, for which the baggage restriction is applied. | 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
FareReference* |
| string (0-512) | Identifies the fare code. | 1..5 |
AccountCode | string (1-32) | Identifies corporate fare code. | 0..1 | |
RuleInfo |
| A collection of rules applied to the fare. | 0..1 |
RuleInfo/GeneralRules |
| Contains list of general rules provided by airline. | 0..1 |
RuleInfo/GeneralRules/GeneralRule |
| Contains information about general rule provided by airline. | 0..* |
RuleInfo/GeneralRules/GeneralRule/Text |
| string | Contains the rule description. | 0..1 |
FilingAirline* |
| The Code of the validating airline published the fare. | 1..1 |
Code* | string (2-3) | Contains IATA airline code. | 1..1 |