Flight Cancellation message allows to cancel a flight reservation.
Cancel action applies for offers with reservation status "Reserved" or "TicketVoid". If reservation status is "Reserved" then Flight Cancellation will be performed. It will perform the PNR cancellation at supplier. If reservation status is "Issued"” (ticket exists in PNR) then Flight Ticket Voiding will be performed first to void a ticket (reservation will get status “TicketVoid“). Only after that the reservation will be cancelled with the Flight Cancellation message.
Note: cancelling is impossible for LCC.
Cancellation passes in two steps:
Initiate - step needs to check current booking status.
Cancel or Ignore - second step needs to confirm cancellation ("Cancel") or decline it ("Ignore").
This message answers the question: "How can I cancel this flight?"
The most often Warnings and Errors that could appear during Flight Cancellation messages you can see in ERROR HANDLING section.