Car Booking Retrieval Quote is used to get information about the already made booking (status, cancellation penalties and etc.) in GP Travel HUB system.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |
| ResStatus* | string ("Quote") | Must be “Quote“ for that step. | 1...1 |
VehResRQInfo/CarReservationIDs/CarReservationID* |
| Unique rental reference. For more information see Unique Identifiers in GP Travel HUB Workflow section in Glossary. | 1...* |
| ResID_Source* | string (“client, agent“) | Allows to pass client booking reference that is generated by application connecting to GP Travel HUB for identification of each booking. In Rent Retrieval only “client” ID should be passed. | 1...1 |
| ResID_Value* | string (1 - 64) | A value of booking reference that is generated by client application. It is supposed that this ID will be unique in your system. Can be used for further operations like cancellation or booking retrieval. | 1...1 |