Booking Retrieval Quote Request allows you to get information about the already made booking in GP Travel HUB system. To get this information you should have GP Hub reservation ID (either “client“ for single room booking or “basket” for multi-room booking)
Note: Booking retrieval works with bookings that were confirmed, rejected, or canceled on the supplier server.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus* | string ("Quote") | Must be always "Quote" for that step. | 1...1 |
HotelReservations/ HotelReservation |
| Basket of separate room reservations, each of it defines a specific reservation with a unique client's ResID_Value. After first HotelReservation block comes another (second, third etc). | 0...* |
HotelReservations/ HotelReservation/ ResGlobalInfo/ HotelReservationIDs/ HotelReservationID* |
| For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 1...10 |
HotelReservations/ HotelReservationIDs/ HotelReservationID |
| The same client/agent reservation ID that has been sent in Reservation Initiate Request. For multi-room booking is mandatory, it defines a unique basket identifier within all separate room reservations. | 0...1 |
| ResID_Source* | string ("basket", “hotel“) | Has value "basket" for the whole list of room reservations, value “hotel“ if ResID_Value comes from a hotel. Note: “hotel” value functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. | 1...1 |
| ResID_Value* | string | A unique identifier of a separate multi-room reservation (basket), reference from the hotel (hotel). | 1...1 |