Yana Brilevskaya
Owned by Yana Brilevskaya
Apr 27, 2022
2 min read
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Cruise Booking Retrieval Response contains the latest information about the whole booking. Elements and attributes are the same as described in Reservation Confirmation Response, but @ResStatus attribute can take different values:
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ResStatus | string ("Waitlisted", "Reserved", "Cancelled") | Reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - means that cruise was successfully reserved. "Waitlisted" - means that booking is waiting for confirmation. In this case you need to send another Booking Retrieval Request later to get an actual state of booking. "Cancelled" - means that supplier denied this request and cruise can not be booked. | 0...1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<OTA_CruiseBookRS xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" EchoToken="tok" TransactionStatusCode="Quote" Version="2.0">
<ReservationInfo ResStatus="Reserved">
<SailingInfo CodeContext="tourico" SailingCode="141888">
<SelectedSailing End="2017-11-05" Start="2017-11-02">
<CruiseLine ShipCode="5" ShipName="Carnival Liberty" VendorCode="11493" VendorCodeContext="tourico" VendorName="Carnival Cruise Line"/>
<Region RegionCode="18" RegionCodeContext="tourico" RegionName="Caribbean/Bahamas"/>
<DeparturePort CodeContext="tourico" EmbarkationDateTime="2017-11-02T16:00:00" LocationCode="108"/>
<ArrivalPort CodeContext="tourico" DebarkationDateTime="2017-11-05T08:00:00" LocationCode="108"/>
<Deck DeckID="1" DeckName="Riviera"/>
<Deck DeckID="2" DeckName="Main"/>
<SelectedCategory DeckRefIDList="1 2" GroupCode="OV" GroupName="Ocean View" Name="Oceanview Stateroom" PricedCategoryCode="6B" SupplierGroupCode="2">
<Text>Catch a glimpse of what's going by from your Ocean View stateroom aboard Carnival Liberty, where you'll get views you won’t find anywhere on land. Don’t miss sunrise and sunset at sea —your comfy stateroom is the best way to experience these!</Text>
<PriceInfo NonRefundable="false" RPH="1" RateCode="O31nVY18vN41wfnm0OkuYEEshUyuXcGx1e2qwjR/tI8fhg/YFP9z5BlrA1NpixOMH/8/LskdGzZkYmnonSao5+lBjDtxOQptCpS2HEhDYSXgMbCLvA/nWtKjErYcMtGYFXQrszVUbUrqsLzXtcP8hA==" RateName="Самый низкий имеющийся тариф" ResStatus="Reserved">
<Rate GuestRefNumber="1" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="414.46" AmountBeforeTax="372.71" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<Rate GuestRefNumber="2" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="414.45" AmountBeforeTax="372.70" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<DiningPriceInfo Amount="0.00" CurrencyCode="USD" InclusiveInd="true"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="828.91" AmountBeforeTax="745.41" CurrencyCode="USD">
<Tax Amount="83.50" Code="28" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<Fee Amount="178.00" Code="57" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="881.50" AmountBeforeTax="798.00" CurrencyCode="USD">
<Tax Amount="83.50" Code="28" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<Fee Amount="178.00" Code="57" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<SelectedDining Code="EARLY1" CodeContext="tourico" Name="Early dining"/>
<PolicyInfo PolicyType="Cancellation" RPH="1">
<Text>Reservations will be held until 60 minutes prior to departure. No refunds will be made in the event of "no shows", unused tickets, lost tickets, interruptions, partially used tickets, or cancellations received late or after the start of the cruise, or for Pack & Go program purchases. Carnival strongly recommends the purchase of trip cancellation insurance from your travel agent. Cancellation charges for individual bookings will be assessed as listed below. For cancellation charges related to group bookings, partial ship charters or full ship charters refer to your charter contract or group booking agreement for terms and conditions.</Text>
<ContactInfo AgeQualifyingCode="10" BirthDate="1980-08-19" Gender="Male" GuestRPH="1" GuestRefNumber="1">
<Telephone CountryCode="US" PhoneLocationType="6" PhoneNumber="+001-79101234567"/>
<CitizenCountryName Code="US"/>
<ContactInfo AgeQualifyingCode="10" BirthDate="1980-08-19" Gender="Male" GuestRPH="1" GuestRefNumber="2">
<Telephone CountryCode="US" PhoneLocationType="6" PhoneNumber="+001-559101234567"/>
<CitizenCountryName Code="US"/>
<BookingPrice Amount="828.91" CurrencyCode="USD" RetailAmount="881.50"/>
<Property Name="recordLocatorId" Value="76863437"/>
<Property Name="confirmationNumber" Value="4JF6N7"/>
<ReservationID ID="27584" Instance="agent"/>
<ReservationID ID="27584" Instance="client"/>
<ReservationID ID="78133951" Instance="supplier"/>
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