Reservation Confirmation Response returns information about the booking that has been made, it's status, and reservation IDs.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| TransactionStatusCode | string ("Ignore") | Status of the current reservation. Must be always "Ignore" for that step. | 0...1 |
TransactionIdentifier | string (1 - 32) | Unique transaction ID generated by GP Travel HUB on Reservation Initiate Response. | 0...1 | |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | ||
| ||
| ||
| Contains information about current reservation. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus | string ("Waitlisted", "Reserved", "Request denied") | Reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - means that cruise was successfully reserved. "Waitlisted" - means that booking is waiting for confirmation. In this case you need to send Booking Retrieval Request to get an actual state of booking. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this request and cruise can not be booked. | 0...1 |
| Elements are the same as in Cruise Reservation Initiate Response section, except that PriceInfo/@Status only can have the same values as ReservationInfo/@ResStatus. Likewise there is TPA_Extensions element which is the same as in ReservationInfo element. | 1...1 | |
| For more information see Cruise Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...1 | |
| For more information see Cruise Reservation Initiate Request section. | 1...99 | |
| For more information see Cruise Reservation Initiate Response section. | 1...1 | |
TPA_Extensions |
| Contains additional information (e.g. messages and data that should be included into voucher according suppliers requirements). | 0...1 |
TPA_Extensions/VoucherProperties* |
| Voucher data required by supplier. Currently 2 properties are added: Name="recordLocatorId", Name="confirmationNumber". | 1..1 |
TPA_Extensions/VoucherProperties/Property |
| 0...* |
| For more information see Cruise Reservation Initiate Response section. | 1...3 |