GPTE Document Templates

GPTE Document Templates

GP Travel Enterprise make it possible to work with custom documents and customize their templates via web site settings.

To create a new document template,

  1. navigate to General Settings menu → Templates. Select Document templates tab on the left side of the page → Document templates page is displayed:

  1. Click Add. New document template page appears, complete the document template with corresponding information (including title and applicable language) - click Save changes:

To edit a template, click on2024-11-27_14-57-42.png icon in Edit column at the corresponding template.

On the Document templates page specify the visibility of each template depending on the user/company for whom it should be visible (TO1/TA etc.):

There is a possibility to copy existing template to a new one clicking on Copy link at the corresponding template, the new document will be created and shown in the list of documents with name “Copy of <Initial document name>” (later user can change this title).

To deactivate a document template, switch Active toggle off. If document is deactivated - it is not shown in the list.

To delete a document template, click delete link at the corresponding template:

By clicking “delete” link the system should ask “Are you sure that you want to delete this document? This cannot be undone”. If user replies “Yes” - then the document template is deleted. Otherwise nothing changes.