GPTE Venues
Venues - are places, where events can take place.
E.g. Royal Albert Hall - the concert hall in London or New York Stadium - the football stadium in UK.
Manage Venues
To create a new Venue,
navigate to General Settings menu → Venues. Venues list is displayed:
Click Create, Information pop-up for adding a new venue appears:
Fill in the form with the following data:
Name: enter venue’s name (a mandatory field);
City: start typing a city, then select the needed option from the available ones from database (a mandatory field);
Address, Postal Code: enter address of the venue (an optional field; once user types the address - the system should automatically add map to the screen to show location of the venue);
Latitude & Longitude: enter Longitude/Latitude values. If indicated, the location is shown on the map based on these values;
Available for: check additional checkboxes for what types of events this venue is available for: concert, sport, other.
To edit an existing venue, click on its name link:
To inactivate a venue, open its Information pop-up and switch Active toggle off, click Save. To activate the venue again, switch Inactive toggle on, click Save. To view inactive venues, on the list page switch Active toggle off:
Link Venues to Events
It is possible to select Venues for certain event types.
For an event indicate its type and choose a venue from those which are available for this type (ex. sport / concert):
View Venues during Search&Book and in Reservation
If there is a Venue linked to a certain Event, it is shown in the product summary and on map in the following format:
location icon
venue name
venue address (in grey)
link “show on map”
during search&book:
in reservation: