GPTE Restricting Countries and Cities

GPTE Restricting Countries and Cities

This functionality is currently available via administration panel.

By default the search form displays all countries and cities of the world. If you work with only a few major destinations you can limit the number of countries and cities displayed in the search form.

For that,

  1. On the general settings menu, click Restricted locations:

  2. The Country restrictions page appears. To restrict the number of countries you work with, click Edit to switch to editing mode.

  3. Then click Selected only. The additional form appears:

  4. Click Add to select the required locations. The Country restrictions window appears.

  5. In the Country restrictions window, select the required country and then the city or leave the default All cities option selected:

  6. Сlick Add. The selected country appears on the list of restricted countries:

  7. In case you need to add more destinations, click Add and repeat the procedure the required number of times.

Note: in case you work with the restricted number of cities within one and the same country, you should add every city separately to the list of restricted destinations.