GPTE Multi-level distribution
Multi-level distribution enables a tour operator to configure complex distribution chains and sell products not only directly to end-customers or travel agencies, but also to other tour operators or agency chains. Tour operators and travel agencies in their turn will be granted possibility to create their own sub-agencies and configure sales rules for them.
The multi-level distribution allows to involve multiple companies into the distribution and automate search&book processes for all of them on the same platform.
At the same time, please, note that only tour operator of the 1st level (licensee owner) will be able to configure travel products and connections to suppliers. Other tour operators and agencies in chain will be able to sell them, but not create and manage self-operated products.
With the multilevel distribution, you will be able:
Register tour operator accounts as clients (tour operators level 2);
Log in as tour operator level 2 and configure own travel agencies with own sales conditions for them (markups and commissions);
Search&book travel products both within tour operator level 2 account and their sub-agencies;
Get analytics on turnovers and actual amount due with regards to suppliers and clients on any level of distribution chain.