Reservation Initiate Request is used to make preliminary reservation of selected offer(s) and get final price(s). This is not real booking yet, but just a quote that will be kept alive in supplier inventory for a limited time (up to 10 minutes).
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| TransactionStatusCode | string (“Initiate”) | Indicates type of request. Must always be “Initiate” for that step. | 1..1 |
RailReservations* |
| Contains information about reservations to be booked. | 1..1 |
| Contains information about reservation to be booked. | 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| RPH | integer |
| 0..1 |
| BookingCode | string | Selected offer identifier which is the same as in Rail Pricing Response. Specifies which offer you want to book. | 0..1 |
TravelerRequests/TravelerRequest |
| Specific traveler preferences for the booking request, including accommodation selection and discount type. | 0..1 |
| ElRegistration | boolean | Indicates that passenger prefer electronic registration. | 0..1 |
| Contains types of accommodations and services available for passenger purchase on a train. | 0..1 | |
Ticketing |
| нужен ли этот атрибут? | 0..99 |
| TicketNumber* | string |
| 1..1 |
| TicketIssueDate | dateTime |
| 0..1 |
| TravelerRefNumber | integer |
| 0..1 |
| ElRegistration | boolean |
| 0..1 |
| TicketStatus |
| 0..1 |
PassengerInfo |
| Contains passenger information for a reservation. | 0..1 |
| Contains detailed information about passenger. | 1..99 | |
RailReservationIDs |
| Contains information about reservation identifiers. | 0..1 |
RailReservationIDs/RailReservationID* |
| Contains unique identifier of a booking. | 1..6 |
| ResID_Source* | string (“agent”, “client“) | Indicates type of RailReservationID. The “client” context means that the ResID_Value is the unique reservation identifier in the client system. The “agent” context means that the ResID_Value is the reservation identifier which client wants to use in communication with supplier. Note: At the reservation creation, it is necessary to specify at least “client” RailReservationID, but it is better to specify both. If the “agent” RailReservationID not specified explicitly, then GP Travel HUB uses the ”client” ResID_Value. The “client” ResID_Value further works as unique booking reference in all GP Travel HUB messages. | 1..1 |
| ResID_Value* | string | A value of booking reference. The ResID_Value context specified in the ResID_Source attribute. | 1..1 |
| ResID_SourceContext | string |
| 0..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
AccommodationDetail |
| Contains details about a space or place that is occupied by a passenger, such as seat, berth, and compartment, including specific information such as seat number, seat position, compartment number, seat direction, etc. | 0..1 |
AccommodationDetail/Seat |
| Seat accommodation information, including the seat type and associated seat attributes, such as seat number, position and direction. | 0..1 |
| Number | string | Indicates min number of seats range to book. | 0..1 |
| MaxNumber | string | Indicates max number of seats range to book. | 0..1 |
AccommodationDetail/Seat/Position |
| Defines information about a seat on a train. | 0..99 |
| Value* | string(“Upper”, “Lower”, “NotLateral”, “InOneCompartment”, “InOneCompartmentWithLateral”) | Contains seat type. | 1..1 |
| Count | integer | Count of seats of a particular type. | 0..1 |
AccommodationDetail/Compartment |
| Compartment accommodation information. | 0..1 |
| GenderType | string (“Female”, “Male”, “Mixed”) | The compartment type. | 0..1 |
AccommodationDetail/Car |
| Contains car information. | 0..1 |
| Number | integer | The car number. | 0..1 |
| Storey | int (1, 2) | The car storey. | 0..1 |
AncillaryServices |
| Contains information about services, which passenger wants to have in reservation. Note: If AncillaryServices block specified it means that passenger wants to have only these services which are determined in AncillaryService elements. If you need to refuse from one of services you have to add all services in AncillaryServices except this one, which you need to refuse from. So if you'd like to refuse all services just leave empty AncillaryServices node. | 0..1 |
AncillaryServices/AncillaryService |
| Any service or product offered in conjunction with a basic rail accommodation. | 0..99 |
| Code* | string | Contains code of ancillary service. | 1..1 |
| CodeContext | string (1-32) | Specifies the context of ancillary service code. | 0..1 |
| Quantity | integer | Contains the number of services to be included. | 0..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| AgeQualifyingCode* | string (“ADT”, “CHD”, “INF”) | Indicates type of pax tariff. | 1..1 |
| Gender | string (“Male”, “Female”) | Passenger gender type. | 0..1 |
| BirthDate | date | Passenger date of birth. | 0..1 |
| BirthPlace | string | Passenger place of birth. | 0..1 |
Identification |
| Name and document identification for a passenger. | 0..1 |
Identification/NamePrefix |
| string (“Mr”, “Ms”, “Mrs”) | Contains passenger NamePrefix. | 0..1 |
Identification/GivenName |
| string | Given name, first name. | 0..1 |
Identification/MiddleName |
| string | The middle name of the person name. | 0..1 |
Identification/Surname |
| string | Family name, last name. | 0..1 |
Identification/Document |
| Document information for verification purposes and also used for additional filtering for common names. | 0..1 |
| DocID | string (1-32) | Unique number assigned by authorities to document. | 0..1 |
| DocType | string (1-16) | Indicates the type of document (e.g. Passport, Military ID, Drivers License, national ID, Vaccination Certificate). | 0..1 |
| DocTypeContext | string | Specifies the context of document type. | 0..1 |
| DocHolderNationality | string (2-3) | Specifies document holder nationality. | 0..1 |
ProfileRef* |
| Contains passenger reference information. | 1..1 |
ProfileRef/UniqueID |
| A passenger identifier. |
| ID* | integer | Must start with 1 and must be unique within booking. | 1..1 |
| Type* | integer (1) | Always have fixed value "1". | 1..1 |
Telephone |
| Telephone number for the person traveling. | 0..1 |
| CountryCode | string | Contains country code. | 0..1 |
| CountryAccessCode | string (1-3) | Code assigned by telecommunications authorities for international country access identifier. | 0..1 |
| AreaCityCode | string (1-8) | Code assigned for telephones in a specific region, city, or area. | 0..1 |
| PhoneNumber* | string (1-32) | Passenger's phone number. | 1..1 |
| PhoneLocationType | integer (6, 7, 8) | Indicates location type for passenger's phone number. Possible values: 6 (Home), 7 (Office), 8 (Other). | 0..1 |
| PhoneTechType | integer (3, 5) | Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number. Possible values: 5 (Mobile), 3 (Fax). | 0..1 |
| string | Email address of the person traveling. | 0..1 | |
Address |
| Address of the person traveling. | 0..1 |
Address/AddressLine* |
| string (1-255) | Passenger address. | 1..5 |
Address/CityName* |
| string (1-64) | Passenger city. | 1..1 |
Address/PostalCode* |
| string (1-16) | Passenger postal code. | 1..1 |
Address/StateProv |
| string (0-64) | Passenger state. | 0..1 |
| StateCode | string (2-8) | Contains state code. | 0..1 |
Address/CountryName* |
| string (0-64) | Passenger country. | 1..1 |
| Code | ISO 3166 | ISO-2 or ISO-3 country code. | 0..1 |
CitizenCountryName |
| (Self-professed) country that is claimed for citizenship. | 0..2 |
| Code | ISO 3166 | ISO-2 or ISO-3 country code. | 0..1 |
CustLoyalty |
| Identifies the loyalty program(s) that the customer belongs to and associated information. | 0..1 |
| ProgramID* | string (1-16) | Indicates loyalty program ID. | 1..1 |
| VendorCode* | string (1-8) | Defines the type of card. May have the following values: "RzhdB", "RzhdU", "RzhdSU". The possible values in this attribute depend on those, received on Rail Pricing Response for the particular offer. | 1..1 |
PassengerTariff |
| Code* | string |
| 1..1 |
| CodeContext* | string |
| 1..1 |
| Name | string |
| 0..1 |
| MinAge | int |
| 0..1 |
| MaxAge | int |
| 0..1 |