Reservation Initiate Response returns the final price and availability of the requested offer as well as fares and rules.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0..1 | |
| TransactionStatusCode | string (“Initiate”) | Indicates type of request. Must always be “Initiate” for that step. | 0..1 |
| TransactionIdentifier | integer | Contains unique transaction identifier. It must be further passed to the Confirmation step. | 0..1 |
Success |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. |
Warnings |
| |
Errors |
| |
RailReservations |
| Contains information about rail offers to be booked. | 0..1 |
| ResStatus |
| Indicates the status of the whole reservation. | 0..1 |
| Contains information about rail offer to be booked. | 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus* |
| Indicates the reservation status. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the booking were confirmed successfully. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this request and offer can not be booked. | 1..1 |
| RPH | integer |
| 0..1 |
| BookingCode | string | Unique offer identifier. Note: the BookingCode in Reservation Initiate Response may change. | 0..1 |
| ElRegDateTimeLimit | dateTime | Indicates last time to cancel ER or tickets | 0..1 |
RailItinerary |
| Contains full details on the rail itinerary referenced by this reservation. Rail itinerary represents all inventory booked and associated with this specific reservation. | 0..1 |
RailItinerary/OriginDestinationInformation |
| Contains information on one specific journey from one specific origin to one specific destination. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Rail Schedule Search Response section. |
| |
| Contains price information of this specific itinerary. | 1..1 | |
Ticketing |
| нужен ли атрибут? | 0..99 |
| TicketNumber | string |
| 0..1 |
| TicketIssueDate | DateTime |
| 0..1 |
| TravelerRefNumber | positive integer |
| 0..1 |
| ElRegistration | boolean |
| 0..1 |
| TicketStatus | string(Issued, TicketVoid, Pending) |
| 0..1 |
PassengerInfo* |
| Passenger information for a reservation. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Rail Reservation Initiate Request section. | 1..99 | |
PaymentRules |
| A collection of payment rules associated with this rail reservation. | 0..1 |
PaymentRules/PaymentRule* |
| A specific payment rule associated with this reservation. | 1..1 |
| RuleType* | string | A rule type. The RuleType attribute refers to OTA code “RUL”. | 1..1 |
| DateTime | DateTime | The date until ticket need to be issued. | 0..1 |
| Duration | Duration | Time duration the ticket need to be issued. | 0..1 |
VoucherProperties |
| Voucher property info block. | 0..1 |
VoucherProperties/Property* |
| Contains property pair. | 1..* |
| Name | string | Property name. | 0..1 |
| Value | string | Property value. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Rail Reservation Initiate Request section. |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
TotalFare* |
| Price of the inventory including taxes. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
TotalRetailFare |
| Price of the inventory including taxes. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
| isMin | boolean | "True" if the TotalRetailFare is the minimal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price less than the TotalRetailFare. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price less than the TotalRetailFare. | 0..1 |
| isMax | boolean | "True" if the TotalRetailFare is the maximal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price higher than the TotalRetailFare. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price higher than the TotalRetailFare. | 0..1 |
PriceInfo/BaseFare* |
| Price of the inventory excluding taxes and fees. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
| Type code pricing for this itinerary per passenger. | 1..20 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
TravelerRefNumber |
| Contains the PassengerID reference to the traveler. | 0..99 |
| PassengerID | positive integer | A unique reference for the traveler. | 0..1 |
PassengerFare |
| The total passenger fare with cost breakdown. | 0..1 |
PassengerFare/BaseFare |
| Price of the inventory excluding taxes and fees. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
PassengerFare/BaseFare/Description |
| string | Contains fare description. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0..1 | |
PassengerFare/Fees |
| A collection of Fees. | 0..1 |
PassengerFare/Fees/Fee* |
| Contains information about the particular fee. | 1..9 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
| FeeCode | string | Contains code of the fee. | 0..1 |
PassengerFare/TotalFare* |
| The total price that the passenger would pay (includes fare, taxes, fees) | 1..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |
| 1..1 | ||
| 0..1 | ||
PassengerFare/TotalFare/Description |
| string | Contains fare description. | 0..1 |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0..1 |