Flight Schedule Search is an optional message that used to search flight schedules for a city or airport pairs (also allowed city-airport and airport-city search). The request also can be narrowed to request schedules for a specific airline or specific flight. From this message you can learn Time, Connecting cities without price and availability information according to the preferences in request (airlines, flight type, booking class etc.).
There are two variants of Flight Schedule message:
Displays the flight schedule for the requested date that contains both available flights and classes (Flight Schedule Search).
Display the time table for the requested date regardless the rate, classes etc (Flight Time Table Search).
Flight Schedule Search message answers the question: "What are the Business Class flights from Moscow to London?”
Flight Time Table Search message answers the question: "What are the regular flights from Moscow to London?”
Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier.
The most often Warnings and Errors that could appear during Flight Schedule Search messages you can see in ERROR HANDLING section.