GPTE Inbound E-mails
GPTE Inbound E-mails
To capture inbound emails that are received to a certain address and to show them within the system ‘Inbound E-mails’ module was developed as an add-on to “Extended CRM”.
You can capture all inbound e-mails received to certain e-mail (e.g. with reservation requests or answers to e-mails sent from the system to suppliers and clients) and attach them as Communications within the system.
Link Inbound E-mails with Clients or Reservations
It is possible to link inbound e-mails with Clients or Reservations.
User can click on button “Link” near e-mail and create Communication based on it linking with Client or Reservation.
In this case the system opens a window for creation of communication with pre-filled fields from e-mail which can be changed manually.