GPTE Booking

GPTE Booking

To proceed with booking a complex tour,

  1. Fill in tourists data. Specify the following information:

    • Full name;

    • Date of birth;

    • Nationality;

    • Passport number and expiry date;

    • Contact number and e-mail.

Additionally, you can leave a comment for a complex tour provider. Note however that leaving a comment can delay processing the reservation.
2. Select payment method:

3. Read cancellation terms and conditions and select the respective check box:

4. Click Book to proceed to complete the reservation.
5. After you click book, the Confirmation window appears. Click Complete reservation in order to confirm the reservation.
6. On the Reservation page, click Voucher to obtain a voucher.
7. Issue or get an invoice for settlements with suppliers or/and clients. For more information, please see Reservations.