Creating new service team

Creating new service team

Each service team is comprised of the tour operator's employees and is responsible for processing one or several types of services (for example, one group may be responsible for hotels, while the other processes flights and train reservations). The manager of the service group is appointed, while other employees act as proxies and process the reservations if the manager is absent or unavailable.

To create a service team,

  1. On the Company profile menu, click Users.

  2. Go to the Service teams tab and click Create. The New service team window appears:


3. Specify the following information:

  • Name: enter the name of the team;

  • Email: common email for the notifications;

  • Comments: notes on the team;

  • Services: products and offers, for which the team is responsible;

  • Service managers: users that are responsible for the selected services;

  • Substitution teams: an alternative team that can process the selected offers if the main team is unavailable;

  • Sales channels: types of clients for which the service team is responsible.

4. Click Save. The new service team appears on the list.