GPTE Setting Supplier and Client Prices for Offline Services

GPTE Setting Supplier and Client Prices for Offline Services

To set the prices for offline services, in the Add offline service window, refer to the following sections:


For the supplier price,

  1. Select the required currency and set the netto price. In case no mark-up is applied for a client, set a commission from supplier. You can set the commission either in per cents from the netto price or in currency units.

  2. Set the cancelation fees, if they are implied: click calculate cancellation fees button, and then click 2024-11-18_13-50-35.png . The additional form appears. Define the cancellation period and the fee.


For the client price,

  1. Set the mark-up for clients, which can be set in per cents from the netto price or in currency units.

  2. Specify the brutto price a client us to pay for the service. Note that when you indicate the brutto price, the mark-up is calculated automatically. In case you practice multi-level sales, specify the commission to client.

  3. Set the cancellation terms: click calculate cancellation fees, and then click 2024-11-18_13-50-35.png . The additional form appears. Specify the cancellation period and the cancellation fees.