Rail Availability Search Request is used to get available trains, car types, and count of available seats in these trains.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0..1 | |
| 0..1 | ||
| AvailRatesOnly | boolean | If it is set to "true", it is used to search for available trains only that could be immediately confirmed. If it is set to "false", it is used to search for all trains including hotels with "on request" availability. | 0..1 |
| ShowCharges | boolean | Influences on CancellationPenalties block's appearance on Rail Availability Search Response. | 0..1 |
| Contains criteria for a rail availability query. | 1..1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
AvailBaseQueryCriteria |
| A collection of information about the locations for which availability is to be checked. | 0..1 |
AvailBaseQueryCriteria/RailSearchCriteria |
| Contains information about specific search criteria. | 0..9 |
AvailBaseQueryCriteria/RailSearchCriteria/Train |
| Contains info about specific train. | 0..1 |
AvailBaseQueryCriteria/RailSearchCriteria/Train/TrainNumber* |
| String (1-8) | A unique number that identifies the train. | 1..1 |
| For more information see Rail Schedule Search Request section. | 0..1 | |
PassengerInfo* |
| Specify passenger type/category. Classification of passenger demographics and rate qualifying information. | 1..1 |
PassengerInfo/PassengerQualifyingInfo |
| Contains age qualifying information for the passenger. | 1..9 |
| Age | integer | Optional attribute; but if a tourist is a child or infant, it is required to specify his/her age. It is assumed that this is full child age on a date of journey. | 0..1 |
| Count* | integer | Indicates count of paxes. | 1..1 |
| Code* | string (“ADT”, “CHD”, “INF”) | Indicates type of pax tariff. | 1..1 |