Managing Private Clients' Reservations
You can view the history of private clients' reservations made via B2C website.
Viewing private clients' reservations
To view the list of reservations of a particular private client,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Private clients. The Clients page appears.
On the Clients page, click the private client of your choice.
In the profile of the selected private client, click Reservations to proceed to the Reservations tab.
On the Reservations tab, the list of reservations made by the private client is displayed:
Creating new reservations for private clients
To create a new reservation for a client (with the information already stored in the CRM system),
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Private clients. The Clients page appears.
On the Clients page, click the private client of your choice.
In the profile of the private client, click Reservations to proceed to the Reservations tab.
On the Reservations tab, click Create.
You will be redirected to the search form. Continue the booking procedure as is described in Search & book.
When you create a reservation this way, you do not need to enter Tour leader's name and surname on step 3.2 - Tourists, as they are automatically exported from the private client's profile.