GPTE Dashboards
Some basic Dashboards are available for all users and analytics of sales can be viewed from Internet Booking Engine for B2B users:
Tour Operators
Travel Agencies
Corporate clients
Note that only basic widgets are available here, more extended functionality can be requested as a part of Business Intelligence module.
Dashboards for Tour Operators 1 Level
Within TO1 user (supervisor or director) account, navigating to My Company -> Dashboards a user can view analytics of sales. Reports present information in system currency.
Dashboards for Travel Agencies
Dashboards for TA user (supervisor or director) is similar as for TO1, but with the following specifics:
Summary widget - “commission” (not “profit”) is shown. If agency has no commissions, then only number of reservations and turnover are displayed.
Reservations by Months - the same as for TO.
Top clients - named as such (not “Top clients / distributors” as for TO1).
Top agents - TA staff who made most of bookings is shown.
Top destinations - the same as for TO.
Top products - the same as for TO.
Reports display information in:
system currency
TA currency specified in contract settings.
Dashboards for Corporate Clients
Dashboards for CC user (supervisor or director) is similar as for TO1, but with the following specifics:
Summary widget - “trips” (not “reservations”) and total expenses for them are shown.
Trips by Months - “trips” (not “reservations”) are shown.
Top destinations - the same as for TO1.
Other widgets are not displayed.
And one more specific widget for Corporate Clients is a calendar with all trips. For each trip it’s number and duration are shown in the calendar cells, as well as lead traveler name.