GPTE Search Results page
On the Search results page all offers fitting your search criteria are displayed.
In order to leave off unnecessary offers, use the filter of results. Search results are automatically updated as you apply filters.
Specify the following filtering criteria:
Price: move sliders along the bar in order to restrict the preferred price range.
Type and class of service: select the requires carriage class - compartment, reserved seat, etc.
Train type: select the required type of train.
Duration: move sliders along the bar to restrict the preferred trip duration.
Departure/arrival time: move sliders along the bar in order to specify preferred departure and arrival time.
Train name: if you search for a particular train, enter its name.
Train number: enter the number of the train.
Ticket: select electronic registration in order to be able to receive a ticket online.
Carrier: select the preferred carrier.
To proceed with the booking choose the required offer and click Book. Use the following prompts:
In the Actions column, click Expand all to view all the available offers.
In the Coach column, click (Information sign) to view the detailed information on carriages available for a certain train.
In the Price column, click (Information sign) to see the detalization of train cost.