GPTE Price-Lists for Extra services setting

GPTE Price-Lists for Extra services setting


  1. On the Prices tab → Price-lists for Extra services sub-tab, click Create:


2. In the New price-list for extra service window specify the price-list for extra services name, the tariff, the period when it is active, terms of use and the description.
3. In the Price for Extra services section, specify the rates and the availability of Extra services:

Specify the following information:

  • Availability: select the conditions for service booking.
    The following items are available:

    • mandatory: a tourist must book the Extra service, when booking the main service.

    • optional: the service is offered to a tourist while booking the main service, but it is not mandatory.

    • not available: the service is unavailable for booking and is not offered to a tourist.

  • Include into cancellation charges: specify whether the price for an Extra service is included into the penalty charge in case the offer is canceled. If the check box is selected a tourist is charged along with the penalty of the accommodation price.

  • Include into mark-up and commission: select the check box in case you want a rate for an Extra service to be included into the mark-up and commission. In case the option is selected, the markup and commission, that you set in the contract settings, are used for calculation of the final price of the service. For the service reservation fee, markups and commissions are not required.

  • Price: In the Price column specify the price of the Extra service. The payment currency is the contract currency that is specified in the Contract tab of the corresponding event. You may enter the price both in currency units and in per cents. If you click the per cent button, the additional drop-down appears. From the drop-down, select the price conditions (either the first night or the total price) on base of which the rate for the Extra service will be calculated.

4. Click Save.

When you create a price-list for Extra services, make sure that its validity terms coincide with that of the price-list for the main service. If the validity period of the price-list is shorter than that of the price-list for the main service price-list, the Extra services are not offered for the excluded period.

When Extra services are booked, their prices are calculated on the basis of the service rate valid on the check-in date.