GPTE Charter Discounts

GPTE Charter Discounts

To create a new discount,

  1. Open the profile of the required self-operated product.

  2. On the Prices tab, in the Discounts sub-tab, click Create. Discount creating window appears:

  3. In the New discount window, specify the following information:

    1. Name: locate mouse pointer int the box and type the name of the discount plan.

    2. Discount is equal to:

      1. Specify the amount of the discount.

      2. From the drop-down, select whether to calculate the discount per cents or in currency units.

      3. Then locate the mouse pointer into the box and type the value itself.

    3. Restrictions on tourists:

      1. Specify whether the discount is applied for all tourists or for groups starting with a particular number of persons only.

      2. Click the required option and specify the number of persons in the group if needed.

  4. Click Save.

Discounts in the list of tour operator reservations

The list of tour operator reservations contains final prices after a discount is applied.
In the Supplier column, prices to be paid to a supplier are displayed.

In the Client column, prices to be paid by a client, are displayed.

Discount from tour operator for direct sales

Assume that the following offer is booked via direct sales:

  • Supplier price: 1 000 USD

  • Discount from the supplier: 0 (no discount)

  • Commission for the tour operator: 20%

  • Discount from the tour operator: 25%

Price calculation:

  • Room price for a tourist: 1 000 USD – 25% = 750 USD

  • Sum to be paid to the supplier: 1 000 USD – 20% = 800 USD

  • Income of the tour operator: 750 USD – 800 USD = – 50 USD

Discount from a supplier for direct sales

Assume that the following offer is booked via direct sales:

  • Supplier price: 1 000 USD

  • Discount from the supplier: 10%

  • Commission for the tour operator: 20%

  • Discount from the tour operator: 0 (no discount)

Price calculation:

  • Price for a tourist: 1 000 USD – 10% = 900 USD

  • Sum to be paid to the supplier: 900 USD – 20% = 720 USD

  • Income of the tour operator: 900 USD – 720 USD = 180 USD

Discount from a tour operator for an external agency:

Assume that in some agency the following offer is booked:

  • Supplier's price: 1 000 USD

  • Discount from the supplier: 0 (no discount)

  • Commission for the tour operator: 20%

  • Commission for the agency: 5%

  • Discount from the tour operator: 25%

Price calculation:

  • Price for a tourist: 1 000 USD – 25% = 750 USD

  • Sum to be paid by the agency to the tour operator: 750 USD – 5% = 712,5 USD

  • Sum to be paid to the supplier: 1 000 USD – 20% = 800 USD

  • Income of the tour operator: 712,5 USD – 800 USD = –87,5 USD