Creating New User Profile

Creating New User Profile

  1. On the Navigation menu, point to Company profile, and click Users. The Users page appears.

  2. Click Create. The Create New User page appears:

3. Fill in the required information. The fields that are to be filled mandatory are marked with the * symbol.

Among others, please pay attention to the following boxes:

  • Role: the role determines the rights of a user in the system. For more information, please read section User Roles.

  • Login: once created it cannot be changed.

Please pay attention that for logging in the system a user needs to enter a company code (alias), a user name and a password.

A company code (alias) is a unique code assigned to every company automatically to access the system. An alias is specified manually upon Configuring Information about the Company. For your convenience both the company code and alias are displayed within the user profile page to the right below the Active check box.

4. Click Save.