Hub also supports lightweight version of Excursion Descriptive Info message (e.g. Excursion PickUp Locations List), which returns only hotels available as PickUp points for Excursion reservation. This message is based on Excursion Descriptive Info Request, but is designated by LocationsListOnly="true" in GP_ExcursionDescriptiveInfoRQ element:
Excursion PickUp Locations List Request Sample XML
<GP_ExcursionDescriptiveInfoRQ LocationsListOnly="true" PrimaryLangID="en" EchoToken="EchoToken" Version="2" xmlns="">
<RequestorID ID="client" MessagePassword="pwd" Type="22"/>
<BookingChannel Type="7" PriceDomain="1"/>
<ExcursionDescriptiveInfo BookingCode="12b4"/>
HUB takes the hotel list from database, no communication with supplier occurs. If supplier accepts only limited number of hotels for the Excursion PickUp, and these hotels are known for GP HUB, then GP HUB returns only these hotels. If supplier accepts any hotel, then GP HUB returns full list of hotels operated by the supplier in the city. All elements in Excursion PickUp Locations List Response are the same as in normal Excursion Descriptive Info Response. MultimediaDescriptions and VendorMessages are skipped:
Excursion PickUp Locations List Response Sample XML
<GP_ExcursionDescriptiveInfoRS Version="2" EchoToken="EchoToken" xmlns="">
<ExcursionDescriptiveContent ExcursionCode="1002" ExcursionName="London Cruise" ExcursionCityCode="LON" ExcursionCodeContext="supplierCode" ExcursionDuration="3.5">
<Category Code="SIGHT">
<Text Language="en">Tours Sightseeing</Text>
<Departure RPH="1">
<DeparturePoint Type="PickUp" HotelCodeSupported="true" AddressSupported="false">Hotel Pick Up</DeparturePoint>
<Hotel HotelName="ABCONE" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelCode="LON.ABC" HotelCityCode="LON">
<Position Longitude="-0.1859" Latitude="51.494"/>
<AddressLine>10 Ashburn Gardens London SW7 4DG United Kingdom</AddressLine>
<CountryName>United Kingdom</CountryName>
<Hotel HotelName="ADMIRAL" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelCode="LON.ADM" HotelCityCode="LON">
<Position Longitude="-0.172" Latitude="51.5152"/>
<AddressLine>143 Sussex Gardens Hyde Park London W2 2RY United Kingdom</AddressLine>
<CountryName>United Kingdom</CountryName>
In case of Excursion Pick Up locations list is not supported by supplier, GP HUB returns an error:
<GP_ExcursionDescriptiveInfoRS xmlns="" EchoToken="EchoToken" Version="2.0">
<Error Code="172" Language="en" RecordID="supplierCode" ShortText="Requested action not possible" Status="NOT_SENT" Tag="NORMAL" Type="3">Supplier does not support operation LocationsList.</Error>