By using tags you can manage access of certain groups of customers to products and rates. For example, by labeling certain products with the "private" tag you show them only to the customers that are interested in exclusive offers, while the standard offers with the "public" tag are available to all customers. You can create, edit and delete all tags, except for the default "public" tag.
There are certain restrictions to the tag names:
A tag name should consist of one or several words written in Latin characters.
A tag name can include maximum 500 characters.
If you use several tags, they should be separated with a comma.
Every new product or tariff has a “public” tag by default. This means that they are available for search and booking for all customers. However, you can create additional tags. In this case, if a products or a tariff
contains at least one additional tag along with the “public” tag, the conditions of the additional tag are applied to them.
For instance, if you add the “private” tag to the product, it is only displayed in search results for the customers that have access to the “private” products according to the contract. This means that the customer contract must contain either the “private” tag, or several tags, including the mentioned above, for example: the "public" and "private" tags. The product is unavailable for customers if the “private” tag is not included in their tag list.
Please remember, that in order to manage product availability through tags you should list them in the customer contract in the same way.