Flights Search by Schedule module allows you to search flights not only by price but by departure date and time as well. This feature can be useful for the cases when clients know the exact dates or time of departure and arrival and the price of a ticket is not considered as the main search criteria.
The key features are:
Displaying flights search results according to their departure time and dates;
Checking availability and prices of the selected options.
To search for a flight by time-table,
On the Search form, click Time table. The search form appears:
2. Choose the required flight type - roundtrip or oneway.
3. Specify the departure and arrival locations.
Locate mouse pointer into the From/To box type the location manually.
Alternatively click select from the list and select the country, city and an airport from the respective drop-downs. To return to the manual entering, click add manually.
4. Specify the departure and arrival dates:
(Calendar) and click the required date in the calendar.
Alternatively, locate mouse pointer into the box and type the required date.
5. Specify the schedule period for both the departure and the return flights (in case the flight type selected is roundtrip). For example if you set the departure date to October 1 and set the schedule period to 2 days, in search results you will see the flights taking off from October 1 to October 3 arranged by the date.
6. On this stage you can click Search to initiate search process. Alternatively in order to make search results more precise, click Additional search options to expand the additional search criteria, which include:
Airline: select the preferred airlines.
Reservation system: select the preferred reservation system.
7. Click Search.