To configure custom fields for a corporate client,
In the list of corporate clients, click a corporate client of your choice.
In the client profile, go to the Settings tab and click Custom fields.
On the Custom fields tab, click Create. The New Custom Field window appears:
In the new custom field window the configuration is realized through 3 steps:
4. On the Information tab, specify general information:
Label: type the label for the custom field, e.g. trip reason, trip leader, etc.
Object: select either Reservation for custom fields that apply to reservations (e.g. trip type) or Person for custom fields that apply to staff management (e.g. trip leader. department, etc.);
Type: select whether the custom field is displayed as a drop-down or as a text box.
Required: specify whether the custom field is to be filled mandatory or optionally.
Settings: configure the custom field display while booking a service.
Comments: leave any additional comments on the custom field.
5. Click Save and go to the Values tab.
6. On the Values tab, for the custom fields of drop-down type, specify the items to display in the drop-down.
Click Create. The New Value window appears:
In the New Value window, specify the values for a drop-down item.
7. Click Save and go to the Conditions tab.
8. On the Conditions tab you can set the conditions of displaying custom fields.
For example, if a corporate user books a business trip, you want them to specify the department they work at. Then for the Department custom field you apply the following conditions:
To set the custom field conditions,
On the Conditions tab, click Edit.
Depending on the condition you want to apply, select the required form to fill in: person or reservation. If you want to restrict the application of the current custom field by trip type, trip reason, cost center, budget group, etc. - select the reservation form. If you wan to restrict the application of the current
custom field by department, occupation, trip leader, etc. - select the person form.From the Field drop-down, select the custom field by which the application of the current one will be conditioned.
From the Condition drop-down, select either equal or not equal. In case you select equal, the current custom field will be applied only if the conditional custom field is filled in with the specified value. In case not equal is selected, the current custom field will be applied always, except when the conditional custom field is filled in with the specified value.
In case you wan to add multiple conditions, click and repeat the procedure.
9. Click Save and click Close to finish the procedure.