Hotel Availability is the first step in the booking flow that allows to check rooms availability and prices for the requested hotel(s) or for the hotels in the requested area for a certain range of dates and passengers group. Hotel Availability returns you only basic information about the chosen hotel. To get full information about the hotel including a hotel's address, hotel’s text description, images, contact information, amenities, special services etc. you should send Hotel Descriptive Info Request to GP Travel HUB.
Diagram 2.1. Hotel Availability in GP Travel HUB Workflow
Here we list the most often Warnings that could appear during HotelAvailability Request and Response. For more information see ERROR HANDLING.
Warning code | Warning short text | Possible warning reason | Status |
23 | Passenger type not supported. | Supplier doesn't support infants for example. | NOT_SENT |
26 | At least one adult must be included. | No adults in list of passengers. There must be at least one. | NOT_SENT |
161 | Search criteria invalid. | Search request contains incorrect conditions. | NOT_SENT |
322 | No availability. | No availability found in supplier's system. | SENT |
357 | Invalid city. | Invalid city code specified. | NOT_SENT |