The information stored within the system's database can be exported to external web sites, applications, accounting or CRM-systems, and external software.
To configure the export of information via API:
On the
Settings tab,
check the Export data to external applications check box.
After you select the check box, the
symbol appears. Click it to expand the Export configurations form.
3. In the Export configurations form, fill in the required data:
If needed, you can specify several external applications. Click and repeat the procedure. and repeat the procedure.
Example of Reservation Export:
The system sends request POST /order (booking) or PUT /order (modify)to the external system in 2 formats:
Code Block |
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:order xmlns:ns2="http://www.software.travel/gptours/export" xmlns:ns3="http://www.generation-p.com/GPTOURS/booking">
<ns2:supplierCompanyName>Sultan Sands</ns2:supplierCompanyName>
<ns2:mealType>Half Board</ns2:mealType>
<ns2:serviceDetails xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns2:serviceDetailsAccommodation">
<ns2:hotelName>Sultan Sands</ns2:hotelName>
<ns2:addressLine>Kiwengwa Beach, Zanzibar, 00000, Tanzania</ns2:addressLine>
<ns2:roomTypeName>Pwani Room</ns2:roomTypeName>
<ns2:mealTypeCode>(HB) HALF BOARD</ns2:mealTypeCode>
<ns2:mealTypeName>Half Board</ns2:mealTypeName>
Code Block |
"supplierCompanyName":"Sultan Sands",
"mealType":"Half Board",
"hotelName":"Sultan Sands",
"addressLine":"Kiwengwa Beach, Zanzibar, 00000, Tanzania",
"roomTypeName":"Baobab Room",
"mealTypeCode":"(HB) HALF BOARD",
"mealTypeName":"Half Board",