GPTE Search of Tours

GPTE Search of Tours

To search for a tour,

  1. On the Home page, go to the Tours tab. The Tours search form appears:


2. On the search form, there are basic and advanced search options. First, fill in basic search options, which include:

  • Destination: you can select destination from the list of popular destinations, type the destination manually or select it from the list.

  • Tour start date from … to …: specify the tour dates range.

  • Guests: specify the number of adult and child tourists.

3. Click Search to initiate search process.
4. If you want to restrict search results to more accurate offers, you can specify additional search criteria. For that, click Extra options.

5. Specify the following search options:

  • Only available offers: select the check in order to see only offers that can be booked immediately.

  • Specify suppliers type(s) to be considered while searching tours offers selecting Internal suppliers and/or External suppliers check boxes

  • Supplier: select preferred service supplier.

  • Select Show commission check box to display agency commission values at prices.

6. Click Search to initiate search process.