Setting Sales terms

Setting Sales terms

To distribute travel services via your network of travel agencies, you should configure sales terms for the distributed products.
For that,

  1. Open the profile of the required client.

  2. Go to the Contract tab. Select the Sales terms section.

3. On the Sales terms tab, for each service that is distributed withing the current contract, specify when it can be distributed in relation to the service rendering date (e.g. dynamic packages are available for sale not earlier than 90 days before service rendering date.)
4. Specify the conditions for printing vouchers - always, after payment, after disabling Auto cancellation etc.
5. Select the sales modes regulated by the contract. In case you allow both B2B and B2C sales, select both the check boxes.
6. Set the credit limit available for the client. Note that you can set credit limits not only for booked services, but also for invoiced services.
7. Select the payment plan available for the client. (For example, you have standard and extended payment plans. Extended plan in addition to standard payment methods like bank transfer, cash, etc, includes deposit as a method of payment. Here you can specify which payment plan is available for the

8. Click Save.