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Change Description


  1. Excursion Descriptive Info request: now only request by BookingCode is available.

  2. Mistake in XML examples corrected: the RequestedCurrency attribute is deleted from Excursion Charges and Excursion Reservation requests as not-applicable.

  3. The ‘Title’ attribute (optional) is added in GP_DescriptiveInfoRS/TextItem element.

  4. Text Category list extended.

  5. Excursion Category “SPORT” is added.


  1. Information about Departure points is added in Availability response.

  2. New Excursion Category Code added: “UNDF” (Undefined).

  3. New Text Category “PRT – Participants” is added.

  4. In Cancellation request the UniqueID/Type constant is changed to "101" (it was "14" in previous version).


ExcursionCode, ExcursionCategory are added as Availability search criteria.


  1. New Excursion Category – ATTR (Attractions) – is added.

  2. The Excursion Category ‘UNDF’ is removed.

  3. New Text Categories – EXC (Excludes), INC (Includes), SHR (Short Information) – are added.


BookingCode returns in Reservation Confirmation and Retrieve responses.


Hotel is now supported as Pick Up point. The next changes made in API to support this:

  1. New attributes @HotelCodeSupported and @AddressSupported added for the DeparturePoint element in AvailRS.

  2. In Excursion_ReservationRQ the Hotel element added inside the Departure.

  3. In Excursion Descriptine Info message it is possible to request only for the list of hotels in case the Excursion PickUp point is Hotel.


The remarks to supplier are added on Initiate response, Commit request/response, Retrieve response.



  1. Added attribute AllowPartialAvail for search by pages, works the same as for Accomodations.

  2. Added attributes NumberOfUnits and NonRefundble to ExcurstioRate in search responce.

  3. Added description for Excurstion Categroy and new SubCategory element.

  4. Description of additional services (delivery options) structure added on search and reservation messages.



  1. Added search by CompetitorCode, HUB shows the Competitors element in Availability RS, Reservation Initiate RS, Reservation Commit RS, Retrieval RS, Excursion Descriptive Info RS.

  2. Added search by TournamentCode, HUB shows the TournamentCode element in Availability RS, Reservation Initiate RS, Reservation Commit RS, Retrieval RS, Excursion Descriptive Info RS.

  3. Added search by ExcursionCountryCode, HUB shows the TournamentCode element in Availability RS, Reservation Initiate RS, Reservation Commit RS, Retrieval RS, Excursion Descriptive Info RS.

  4. Added new element Position in BasicExcursionInfo/Departures/Departure element.

  5. Added new possible value “Image” for attribute BasicExcursionInfo/Departures/Departure/DeparturePoint/@Type.


Added AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion element in Reservation Initiate Request.

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