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Your own tours are created according to the common scheme and begin with
choosing the necessary category and entering general information about the

General Information

To create a new tour,

  1. On the Self-operated products menu click Tours.

  2. On the Tours page, click Create. The New tour page appears:

  3. On the New tour page, specify the following information:

    • Name: type the name of the tour.

    • Supplier: select the tour service supplier.

    • Transaction currency: select the currency to use for settlements with supplier. The selected currency will also be used for configuring tariffs,
      price-lists, setting penalties, etc.

  • Same board type: select the check box in case you do not allow different
    board types for tourists of one room type.

  • Destination locations: specify one or more destination locations:

    • Click Add. The Choose the city window appears:

    • In the window, locate mouse pointer into the box and start typing. After you
      type 3 characters the system will display the list of suggestions containing the
      defined characters. The items on the list are arranged by the alphabet. If you
      do not see the required item in the list. type some more characters - it may
      appear later.

    • Alternatively, click Select from the list to select the destination place from
      the drop-down.

    • Click Add.

  • Duration: specify the tour duration - type the number of days the tour lasts

  • Short description: enter a brief tour description. The description will be
    displayed on the Search results page.

  • Description: enter a tour description. This description will be displayed in
    the window with the detailed description of the tour.

  • Picture: upload a picture characterizing the tour.

    • To upload a picture from your PC, in the Upload file group, click Add, browse to
      the required picture, click Open and then click Upload.

    • To upload a picture from an external web-source, click Upload via link to expand the form. Locate mouse pointer into the bar, enter the required web-link and click Upload.

4. Click Save.

Creating Tour Directory

You can organize categories of self-operated tours as directories and avoid
creating them for every tour. The directory contains the list of categories.
You can sort the categories by accommodation type, by extra services or by
any other criterion convenient for you.
For example, in case you create new tour categories and sort them by
accommodation type, all categories that are used for creating a new type of
accommodation during a particular tour are displayed in the directory.
They are added to the list of the standard categories and are available for

Creating Tourist Categories

You may differentiate prices for self-operated products depending on the
category of tourists who buy them. The Adult tourist category is created in the
system by default.
To create a new tourist category,

  1. On the Self-operated products menu click Tours.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Tourists group, click Create. The New
    tourist window appears:

  3. In the New tourist window, specify the following information:

    • Name: type the name of the category.

    • Category: select the category type - whether it refers to adults or

    • Default: generally the Adult tourist category is created automatically and
      set as default. However you can change the default category selecting the
      Default check box.

    • Age: specify the age range acceptable for the category.

Please pay attention that in case you create several tourist categories (e.g. infant,
child), the age ranges should not overlap. Thus, in case age range for Infant is 0 to 2, the age
range for Child should start with 3 years old.

  • Description: describe the tourist category.

4. Click Save.

5. Click Close. The new tourist category is added to the list of available

Creating Accommodation Types

For self-operated tours you should specify all options of accommodation
available for tourists. To add a new accommodation type,

  1. Open the required tour.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Accommodation group, click Create. The
    Accommodation window appears:

  3. In the Accommodation window, specify the following information:

    • Name: locate mouse pointer into the box and type the name of the
      accommodation option.

    • Type: from the drop-down, select the accommodation type in regard to its
      capacity, e.g. a single, double, family room, etc.

    • Category: from the drop-down, select the accommodation option category.
      The category list displays only the entries that your create in the tour directory.

    • Description: locate mouse pointer into the text field and type the tour
      description to display on the search results.

    • Capacity: specify the room capacity for the accommodation type.

  4. Click Save.

Calculating Accommodation capacity

While searching for available accommodation, the system always calculates the accommodation capacity of the room in the following sequence:

  • Main beds

  • Extra beds

  • Sharing places

The system first checks the availability of beds to accommodate adults and then checks the allocation availability for children. The total accommodation capacity consists of all main beds, extra beds and sharing places put together.

Example 1
Assume that you create a room where 4 people can be accommodated with three bed types available: two main beds, one extra bed. Moreover there is a possibility to accommodate one person without a bed:

You need to accommodate three adults and one child in this room.
According to the current rule, the system checks up available bed spaces in the following sequence:

  • First, the system checks if the mail beds are available. In case the rates for them are specified in a price-list, these beds are considered available. You can book them for 2 adults.

  • After this, the system checks the availability of extra beds and then - their rates. If the rate is specified in a price-list, this bed space is considered available. You can book the extra bed for an adult.

  • Finally the system checks the availability of the sharing place along with its rate. If the rate is specified in a price-list, this accommodation type is considered available. You can book a sharing place for a child.

  • Since you can accommodate 4 persons in the room and the price-list features all the respective rates, this option is considered available and the room is displayed in the search results.

Example 2
Let us have a look at the above described example from another respective.
Assume we need to accommodate three adults. The price-list however does not contain rates for an extra bed for an adult.

When the system successfully checks the availability of two main beds, it proceeds to extra beds. Since the price-list does not include rates for an extra bed for an adult (See the preceding figure), this accommodation type is considered unavailable. So is the whole room. In theory however the room can accommodate three adult guests on the following conditions: two guests on the main bed spaces + one person without a bed. Such a room is not displayed in the search results.

Example 3
When you accommodate children, there can be an exception from the rule described in example 2. For instance, you need to accommodate two adults and two children in a room with two standard beds, one extra bed and one shared space (accommodation without a bed). Then, even when the price-list rates arespecified for adults, but the adult age category allows to classify children as adults (for example, when the adult age category ranges from 0 to 90 years old), both children can be accommodated in the room but at the rates provided for adults.

Example 4
Assume that you want to create a family room where children can be accommodated on a sharing place.

The total number of available bed spaces of the room In order to avoid 3 adults from booking this room type you can use options of guest allocation in the room.

Please note that there is a necessity to list all possible allocation variations.

Creating Board Types

For self-operated tours, besides accommodation types, you should create
board types available for tourists.

To add a new board type,

  1. Open the product.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Board type group, click Create. The New board type window appears:

  3. In the window, fill in the required information:

    • Name: enter the name of the meal type as it is specified by hotel (e.g. “Vegetarian Breakfast”)

    • Type: select the meal type from the drop-down

    • Default: select the default check box to apply the meal type under configuration as default.

    • Description: locate mouse pointer into the Short description and Description boxes and enter the meal type description.

  4. Click Save and click Close.

📌 Besides, for self-operated tours use for the following tariffs: specify the conditions of the board type

  1. Select the required check boxes. Specifically:

  • Offer on Search results: the board type is displayed as a main option on
    search the search results page.

  • Offer as alternative: the board type is displayed when clicking Show all
    offers and can be selected instead of the main option.

  • Not available: the board type is not available withing the borders of the
    selected tariff.

2. Click Save.

Creating Extra Services

You can specify Extra services that are offered for tourists. For instance, it
can be a visit to an art gallery, a museum, a trade center.
To add an Extra service to a contract of a self-operated tour,

  1. Open the required self-operated tour.

  2. On the Information tab, click Extra services. The New Extra service
    window appears:

  3. In the New Extra service window, specify the following information:

    • Name: type the name of the Extra service.

    • Category: select the Extra service category. In case there is no suitable
      option, select Other.

    • Offer this Extra service: In the group, specify the conditions of the Extra
      service availability.

      • In case you want the service to be available for all event services, click always.

      • Alternatively, in case you want to restrict the service availability, click only
        when booking the following accommodation.

      • Click Add accommodation. The Accommodation window appears:

      • In the window, select the required accommodation types. The Extra service will
        be offered for tourists only in case a tourist books the selected accommodation

      • Click Apply.

  • Price per: In the group, specify the method of price calculation: either per

    service or per tourist. In case you select per service, while creating price-
    lists for Extra services, you will be asked to specify the price for the Extra

    service itself irrespective of the number of tourists who books the service.
    In case you select per tourist, the total price for the Extra service is the
    sum of the prices payed by the tourists who buy the service.

  • Calculation type: specify how the price will be calculated. In case you
    select by service, the fixed price is paid by a tourist irrespective of the
    number of days/nights the service lasts for. In case you want to calculate
    the price depending on the number of days or nights, select by day or by
    night respectively.

  • Adult/children: specify for whom the Extra service is rendered - whether
    it is oriented on adults, children, or both age groups.

  • Service provider: specify the organization that provides the Extra service either a supplier or a tour operator.

  • Description: locate mouse pointer into the text field and type the extra service
    description to display on the search results.

4. Click Save. The Extra service is added to the list of available Extra
services and displayed on the Extra services page.

Setting Tariffs

GP Travel Enterprise allows you to set prices for self-operated services in 2
different ways:
1. You can create a tariff first, and then operating within the settings of the
tariff, add price-lists, discounts, commission plans and other regulation a
particular service requires.
2. Alternatively, you can separately create price-lists, set discounts, develop
commission plans and then link them to tariffs.
Let us have a closer look at each of the steps.

Combining Event Tariffs
Tariff means combination of conditions for price offers – e.g. you can have:

  • Standard tariff with regular prices and ability to cancel without fees up
    to 1 day before the check-in date;

  • Promotional tariff valid only for certain period with reduced prices, but

  • Early booking tariff valid only 60 days in advance;

  • etc.

To configure a tariff for a self-operated event,

  1. On the Self-operated products menu, click Tours.

  2. In the profile of the required tour, go to the Prices tab.

  3. On the Prices tab, in the Tariff group, click Create. The New tariff page

  4. On the New tariff page, first specify the tariff description:

    • Name: enter the name of the tariff.

    • Contract number: specify the number of contract with supplier related to this

    • Hide tariff name from client: select the check box in order to hide the name
      of the tariff from product customers.

    • Description for internal use: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter
      tariff description. The information entered in the filed is not available for
      customers and is used for internal aims only.

    • Description: in the text field enter the tariff description. This description will be shown for customers.
      5. After you have entered the tariff description, start connecting tariff
      constituents. Click the respective tab to expand the form. After you fill in all
      the sections, click Save.

Let us consider the constituents to be filled in on the Tariff page.

Click the Price-lists bar to expand the form. The following form appears:

To connect a price-list you need to:

  • Specify price-lists for working with your suppliers and clients.

  • Add corresponding price-lists to the tariff.
    To add a price-list click Add price-list. The Price-lists window appears:

  • In case you already have created a price-list, select the required one from
    the drop-down.

  • In case you have not created a price-list previously, select Create price-list
    from the drop-down. After you click Create price-list, the New price-list
    window appears:

Choose the suitable price-list type. There are the following price-list types to
choose from:

  • Original (price per pax, board type inclusive): prices are calculated for an
    adult tourist, the board type is already included in the allocation price. Prices
    for allocating different tourist types on extra places are calculated from the
    price per an adult with the same board type and accommodation.

  • Pensionate (price per pax, board type inclusive): prices are set per tourist,
    the board type is already included. Prices for allocating different tourist types
    on extra places are calculated from the price per the same board type for an
    adult on the main place.

  • Pensionate (price per room, board type inclusive): prices are set per room
    independently from the number of tourists, the board type is already included.
    Allocation prices for different board types are calculated from the prices per
    basic board type of the room.

  • Hotel (price per room, extra charge for board type): prices are set per
    room independently from the number of tourists. Boarding prices are set separately from allocation prices.

  • Hotel (price per pax, extra charge for board type): prices for different
    board types are calculated per tourist and are set separately from the
    accommodation price. Allocation prices for different tourist types on extra
    places are calculated from prices per an adult on the main place.

    The details and examples of calculation are further explained in the New price-
    list window.

5. Click the required price-list type and click Continue. The New price-list
window appears:

In the New price list window, the information to be specified is arranged on
two tabs:

  • General Information

  • Prices for accommodation

To proceed with a price-list creation,

  1. On the General information tab, specify the following information:

    • Name: locate mouse pointer into the box and type the name of the price list.

    • Price list is active during: fill in the required information in the table.


  • From the Tariff drop-down, select the tariff to connect the price-list
    to. In case you did not create any tariffs and decided to start with
    creating other constituent, select the default Standard item.

  • In the Date from... to... group specify the period of the price-list

  • In the Min. days and Max. days groups, specify the minimal and the
    maximal duration of the service to which the price-list will be applied.
    Thus you can create different price-lists for short-term and long-term

  • In the Days of the week group, select the days on which the price-list
    will be applied. For example, you can create different price-lists for
    week days and week-ends.

  • To create a copy of the period, click Copy. The identical table line will be created. It may particularly useful in case you create several price-lists with minor differences. It is easier to copy an existing price-list period and make some corrections.

  • Description: locate mouse pointer onto the text field and enter the price-list


If you want to use different rates for work days and week-ends during
one season (for example, from September 1 to December 31, 2025) you should create two
price-lists with the same duration terms but configured for different days of the
week. In the first price-list (for week days) you should select days from Monday to
Friday and select week-ends only in the second one:

2. Click Save and click Prices for accommodation to proceed to the next tab.

3. On the Prices for accommodation tab, specify the prices for services:

While adding prices, you can use fixed rates or mathematical functions. In the
former case, the cell that is basic for further calculations, is highlighted in gray.
When applying functions the basic rules are as follows:

  • Every new room type is considered a basic cell. The basic sell is the sell used
    for further calculation.

  • The price of every further board type withing the current room type is
    calculation the base of the default board type in the group:

  • The price for children, seniors or any other tourist categories, except from
    the default one (usually, adult) is calculated form the price for an adult for the
    same room and board type:

  • The price for extra bed both for default and additional tourist categories is
    calculated from the price of the room type the extra bed belongs in
    compliance with the board type of the room:

  • Please pay attention that in case you enter the wrong data format, for
    example, a per cent figure into the basic cell, the system will show "error"
    displayed in the rate area.

Creating Original and Pansionate price-lists (price per pax)

When configuring Original and Pensionate (price per pax) price-lists, the price per room is set for every tourist separately. A cell with a rate for an adult on a
main bed is used to calculate accommodation price for a particular room. The
rates for other types of tourists, room types and board types are calculated in
compliance with the above mentioned rules rules.
When creating Original or Pansionate price-lists, you need to fill in the rates for
every existing room and board type for every tourists category.
Locate mouse pointer into the corresponding boxes and type the rate to apply
for the calculation for a certain room/board/tourist type.

Creating Pensionate price-lists (price per room)

With the Pensionate (price per room) price-list you can set one
accommodation price irrespective of tourist categories and the number of
guests. In such a price-list you can set accommodation prices for every room
type. The price for allocation with the basic board type already includes the
board type cost. If the hotel provides tourists with additional board types (for
example, half board) the accommodation price is displayed separately. When
calculating the cost of extra meals that are not included in the accommodation
rate, the cell with the extra meal rate for an adult with a standard bed
accommodation is used as a basis.
Locate mouse pointer into the respective box and type the rates for a certain
room type.

Creating Hotel price-lists (price per room)

For the hotel price-list (price per room) you can specify common prices for
every room type irrespective of the tourist categories. The board type price is
specified separately. The calculation of board rates for different tourist
categories is based on the standard board rates for an adult.
On the Prices for accommodation tab, first fill in the data in the Base allocation
prices group. Locate mouse pointer into the respective box and type the rates
for a certain room type.

Then, click the Extra charge for board type bar to specify the extra charges for
board type. In the Extra charge for board type group, enter the rates for board
types for every tourist category. To apply the entered figure to all the board
types for a certain tourist category, click the downward arrow symbol. The data
entered into the basic cell will be transferred to all other meal types within a certain tourist category.

Creating Hotel price-lists (price per pax)

For this price-list, the hotel rates for extra meals are the same for all room
types and are specified separately from the basic accommodation rates. In this
case the calculation of the accommodation rates for different tourist categories
and rates for extra bed accommodation is based on the rates for main
accommodation of an adult in the room. The calculation of board rates for
different tourist categories and for extra bed accommodation is based on the
standard board rates for an adult.
On the Prices for accommodation tab, first fill in the data in the Base allocation
prices group. Locate mouse pointer into the respective boxes and type the rates
for room types for every tourist category.

Then, click the Extra charge for board type bar to specify the extra charges for
board type. In the Extra charge for board type group, enter the rates for board
types for every tourist category.

To apply the entered figure to all the room/board types for a certain tourist
category, click the downward arrow symbol. The data entered into the basic
cell will be transferred to all other board/meal types within a certain tourist category.
After the price-list is set, click Save. The price-list is added to the directory
and can be used for making up a tariff.

Setting price-lists for customers and suppliers

If you’re going to use only your net price-list (based on your contract with
supplier) and add markup for your clients within the settings of your sales
channels – then within configuration of your transfer select the option Use the
same price-lists for both customer and supplier.

If you want to set separate price-lists for customers and suppliers (not via
logic of applying markups, but create absolutely different prices), click Use net
price-lists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer. Separate forms for
net and gross price-lists appear:

If you want to include taxes for customers and suppliers, then
in tariff settings you can select the option "Taxes included".

If you want to create a new tariff that differs little from existing ones, then
in tariff settings you can select the option "Inherit prices from the following
tariff" and add only some changes to new tariff.

Connecting Penalties to a Tariff

To connect a penalty plan to a tariff,

  1. On the tariff page, click Penalties to expand the form. The following form

2. Click Add. The Penalties window appears:

3. From the Name of the penalty to be applied within the indicated tariff drop-
down, select the item of your choice. Specifically,

  • In case you have previously created a separate penalty plan, select the
    required one from the drop-down.

  • In case you create a tariff first and have no penalty plans created, click
    Create. The New penalty window appears:

4. In the window, specify the following information:

  • Name: type the name of the penalty plan.

  • Description: in the text field describe the penalty plan.

  • Cancellation terms: in the group specify the conditions for penalties
    application and the cancellation charges:

    • from the drop-down select the number of days before the check-in
      date when the penalties are applied.

    • select whether to calculate penalties in currency units or in per cent
      from a certain sum.

    • in case the penalties are calculated in per cents, specify the price from
      which they are calculated: total price or a price for a particular number
      of nights/days.

To add another penalty rule, click Add button ((plus) ).

  • Penalties are active during: in the group, specify the tariff for which the
    penalty plan will be applied and the terms of its application.

5. Click Save.

  • No labels