GPTE Creating a New Contract for Existing Accommodation

GPTE Creating a New Contract for Existing Accommodation

In case the description of a self-operated hotel is already stored in the system you can associate the contract of a newly created hotel profile with it.

To connect a hotel profile to an existing description,

  1. Navigate to Products menu → Hotels tab.

  2. On the list of self-operated hotels click Create new contract for existing hotel:

  3. The Associate with an existing hotel window appears:

  4. In the window search for a hotel description using the search form at the top. Specify the following search criteria:

    1. Source of description: from the drop-down, select the source to import the description from. You can choose either any of the connected external suppliers, or select Own description to search for descriptions already stored in GP Travel Enterprise.

    2. Country: from the drop-down, select the country where the required hotel is located.

    3. City: after you have chosen the country, select the city of the hotel’s location from the drop-down.

    4. Category: select the hotel category (the number of stars) from the dropdown.

    5. Name: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter the name of the hotel description you search for.

    6. Hotel code: enter the code of the hotel description you search for.

    7. Rating from/to & Group number.

  5. Click Filter. The list of hotel descriptions fitting your search criteria is displayed below the search form:

  6. Click the required hotel description. The hotel is now associated with the selected hotel description:


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