Code | Description |
1 | Rate description |
2 | Property description |
3 | Property location |
4 | Room information |
5 | Guarantee information |
6 | Deposit information |
7 | Cancellation information |
8 | Check in check out information |
9 | Extra charge information |
10 | Tax information |
11 | Service charge information |
12 | Package information |
13 | Commission information |
14 | Miscellaneous information |
15 | Promotional information |
16 | Inclusion information |
17 | Amenity information |
18 | Late arrival information |
19 | Late departure information |
20 | Advanced booking information |
21 | Extra person information |
22 | Areas served |
23 | Onsite facilities information |
24 | Offsite facilities information |
25 | Onsite services information |
26 | Offsite services information |
27 | Extended stay information |
28 | Corporate booking information |
29 | Booking guidelines |
30 | Government booking policy |
31 | Group booking information |
32 | Rate disclaimer information |
33 | Visa/travel requirement information |
34 | Security information |
35 | Onsite recreational activities information |
36 | Offsite recreational activities information |
37 | General meeting planning information |
38 | Group meeting planning information |
39 | Contract/negotiated booking information |
40 | Travel industry booking information |
41 | Meeting room description |
42 | Pet policy description |
43 | Meal plan description |
44 | Family plan description |
45 | Children information |
46 | Early checkout description |
47 | Special offers description |
48 | Catering description |
49 | Room decor description |
50 | Oversold policy description |
51 | Last room availability description |
52 | Room type upgrade description |
53 | Driving directions |
54 | Driving directions from the north |
55 | Driving directions from the south |
56 | Driving directions from the east |
57 | Driving directions from the west |
58 | Surcharge information |
59 | Minimum stay information |
60 | Maximum stay information |
61 | Check-in policy |
62 | Check-out policy |
63 | Express check-in policy |
64 | Express check-out policy |
65 | Facility restrictions |
66 | Customs information for material |
67 | Seasons |
68 | Food and beverage minimums for groups |
69 | Deposit policy for master account |
70 | Deposit policy for reservations |
71 | Restaurant services |
72 | Special events |
73 | Cuisine description |