Here you can find the description of elements and attributes which can appear in several messages to avoid duplication.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
PrimaryLangID | 2-character ISO language code | If supplier supports this language, human readable information will be returned on this language. If supplier does not support that language, the response will use default language. | ||
RequestedCurrency | 3-character ISO currency code | Indicates desired currency to return prices in, if supported by supplier. It is not guaranteed, however, that prices will be returned in this currency, as this may depend on technical limitations of supplier and/or on commercial agreements with you and/or flight providers. | ||
Amount | decimal (0 - 10000000000) | An amount of fare. | ||
CurrencyCode | 3-character ISO currency code | The code of currency in which fare is nominated. | ||
WindowBefore | PTnHnMnS | Time that specifies start of time window for requested flights. | ||
WindowAfter | PTnHnMnS | Time that specifies end of time window for requested flights. The value format is duration format PTnHnMnS, where PT – is a constant, nH – number of hours (i.e. 2H), nM – number of minutes (i.e. 30M), nS – number of seconds (i.e. 0S). So, WindowAfter=”PT2H30M0S” means “departure time may be maximum 2 hours and 30 minutes late than the time specified in the DepartureDateTime”. Window is ignored if DepartureDateTime contains date only. | ||
LocationCode | 3-character IATA code | Code of airport location. | ||
LocationType | string (“city”,”airport”) | Possible values are "city", "airport". If not specified, then means "any location type". | ||
CodeContext | string (“IATA.[supplierId]”) | Specifies the context of the LocationCode. Possible values: “IATA.[supplierId]” where supplierId is the id of the supplier for search. | ||
Terminal | string | The departure terminal, if provided by supplier. | ||
ResBookDesigName | string (“Economy”, “Business”, “First”, “PremiumEconomy”) | Booking Class category name. | ||
FlightSegmentRPHList | string | Refers to the flight segment. If the same discount applied for several segments, then there will be list of segments RPH separated by spaces. | ||
Success | Identifies that the request was processed successfully. | 0..1 | ||
Warnings/Warning | Indicates a problem(s) occurred during the request. Contains several elements. See more in ERROR HANDLING. | 1..99 | ||
FlightTypePref | Contains information about preferences for the requested flight. | |||
FlightType* | string (“Direct”, “Nonstop”, “Connection”) | Indicates the type of preferred flight. A Direct flight in the aviation industry is any flight between two points by an airline with no change in flight numbers, which may include a stop over at an intermediate point. A Non-stop flight, especially in the aviation industry, refers to any flight by an aircraft which does not involve any intermediate stops. Connection means a connection flight. | ||
SpecialReqDetails/SpecialRemarks/SpecialRemark | RemarkType | string | Contains the code, that identifies the Special Remark Option Type. Only 4 codes are available: 34- Agency name, 33 - Agency internal reference number, 10 - Address, 40 - Travel Agent. Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. |
OperatingAirline* | Identifies operating airline. | |||
Code* | string (2-3) | The IATA company code. | 1..1 | |
Equipment | The type of equipment used for the flight. | |||
AirEquipType* | string | Refers to 3 character IATA code. Note: for LCC equipment info never returns. | 1..1 | |
MarketingAirline* | Identifies the marketing airline. | |||
Code* | string (2-3) | The IATA company code. | 1..1 | |
BookingClassAvails | Describes the booking class. | |||
BookingClassAvails/BookingClassAvail* | The booking class priced. | |||
ResBookDesigCode* | string (1) | Reservation Booking Designator (RBD) code (e.g. Y). | 1..1 | |
ResBookDesigName | string (“Economy”, “Business”, “First”, “PremiumEconomy”) | Booking Class category name. | 0..1 | |
ResBookDesigQuantity | string | Number of available seats. | 0..1 | |
StopLocation | Contains a stop airport code and stop duration in case of stop in the flight segment (e.g. StopQuantity is not 0). This element repeats for each stop, i.e. in case 2 stops there will be 2 StopLocation elements in response. | |||
LocationCode* | string (3) | 3-character IATA code of location or airport. | ||
GroundDuration | PTnHnMnS | A stop duration. |