16. FAQ

16. FAQ

Here we list common questions regarding integration with GP Travel HUB. If you have any questions please contact our support team for more information.

If you have production questions or problems, please contact GP Travel HUB Support by emailing gphub@generation-p.com. When contacting GP Travel HUB Support, please provide your name, company name, telephone number, and a description of the problem, including the exact wording of any error messages.

Yes, we do, but it is possible for a limited number of suppliers who support such kind of search. Please get in touch with us to get information about suppliers that you are interested in.

No, we don’t have. Our API is SOAP with XML.

Yes, we store suppliers' locations in our etalon list of locations.

Yes, GP Hub shows it as GroupCode in the hotel availability response. Please find the appropriate API details in the User Guide.

Yes, please contact us for more information.











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