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The Flight Booking Retrieval Import Response contains the booking information as full as this is available from supplier. Elements are the same as described in Flight Booking Retrieval Quote Response, but TransactionStatusCode attribute has different value:





Min…Max occurs



string ("Import")

Indicates the type of request. Must be "Import" for that step.


FlightSegment element has additional attribute:





Min…Max occurs



GDS segment status code. GP HUB shows it only for case when supplier returns 2-letter GDS segment status code.

Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier.


Also BookingReferenceID/CompanyName is added:





Min…Max occurs



string (2 - 3)

Air company code.



string (“IATA”)

Specifies the context of the Code.


 Flight Booking Retrieval Import Response Sample XML
<OTA_AirBookRS xmlns="" EchoToken="EchoToken" TransactionStatusCode="Import" Version="2.0">
    <AirReservation RPH="1">
      <AirItinerary ActionCode="Issued" CodeContext="supplierCode">
          <OriginDestinationOption JourneyDuration="PT1H15M0.000S" MajorityAirline="AF" RPH="1">
            <FlightSegment ArrivalDateTime="2021-06-10T08:35:00" DepartureDateTime="2021-06-10T06:20:00" FlightDuration="PT1H15M0.000S" FlightNumber="1081" RPH="11" Status="Have Sold" StopQuantity="0">
              <DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
              <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="CDG"/>
              <OperatingAirline Code="AF"/>
              <MarketingAirline Code="AF"/>
                <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="Y" ResBookDesigName="Economy"/>
          <OriginDestinationOption JourneyDuration="PT1H25M0.000S" MajorityAirline="AF" RPH="2">
            <FlightSegment ArrivalDateTime="2021-06-17T07:55:00" DepartureDateTime="2021-06-17T07:30:00" FlightDuration="PT1H25M0.000S" FlightNumber="1680" RPH="21" Status="Have Sold" StopQuantity="0">
              <DepartureAirport LocationCode="CDG"/>
              <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
              <OperatingAirline Code="AF"/>
              <MarketingAirline Code="AF"/>
                <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="Y" ResBookDesigName="Economy"/>
      <PriceInfo FilingAirlineCodeList="AF" PricingSource="WebFare">
          <BaseFare Amount="173.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
            <Tax Amount="13.00" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="20.64" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="14.90" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="1.00" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="1.40" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="11.90" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="20.64" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="14.90" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="1.00" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="1.40" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="11.90" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
            <Tax Amount="20.64" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
          <TotalFare Amount="306.32" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
          <PTC_FareBreakdown FilingAirlineCode="AF">
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">GS5UA5LT</FareBasisCode>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="21">HS50ABLG</FareBasisCode>
              <BaseFare Amount="91.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
                <Tax Amount="62.84" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
              <TotalFare Amount="153.84" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
          <PTC_FareBreakdown FilingAirlineCode="AF">
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="CHD" Quantity="1"/>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">GS5UA5LT</FareBasisCode>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="21">HS50ABLG</FareBasisCode>
              <BaseFare Amount="73.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
                <Tax Amount="49.84" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
              <TotalFare Amount="122.84" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
          <PTC_FareBreakdown FilingAirlineCode="AF">
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="INF" Quantity="1"/>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">GS5UA5LT</FareBasisCode>
              <FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="21">HS50ABLG</FareBasisCode>
              <BaseFare Amount="9.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
                <Tax Amount="20.64" CurrencyCode="GBP" TaxCode="17"/>
              <TotalFare Amount="29.64" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
                  <Text>Baggage Allowance: No Free Luggage</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN1: You can change the booking prior to departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN1: You can change the booking after departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>NOSHOW-PN1: You are not allowed to board another plane if NOSHOW</Text>
                  <Text>CANCELLATION-PN1: Booking cancellation is not available for this booking</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN2: You can change the booking prior to departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN2: You can change the booking after departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>NOSHOW-PN2: You are not allowed to board another plane if NOSHOW</Text>
                  <Text>CANCELLATION-PN2: Booking cancellation is not available for this booking</Text>
                  <Text>Terms &amp; Url:</Text>
                  <Text>ENV_false: ABC</Text>
                  <Text>IATA_91269312: ABC</Text>
                  <Text>Cash payment: The booking will be settled by cash payment. The specified payment card will not be used to pay for the booking.</Text>
            <FilingAirline Code="AF"/>
                  <Text>Baggage Allowance: No Free Luggage</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN1: You can change the booking prior to departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN1: You can change the booking after departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>NOSHOW-PN1: You are not allowed to board another plane if NOSHOW</Text>
                  <Text>CANCELLATION-PN1: Booking cancellation is not available for this booking</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN2: You can change the booking prior to departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>CHANGE-PN2: You can change the booking after departure with proper charge of 0.00 GBP</Text>
                  <Text>NOSHOW-PN2: You are not allowed to board another plane if NOSHOW</Text>
                  <Text>CANCELLATION-PN2: Booking cancellation is not available for this booking</Text>
                  <Text>Terms &amp; Url:</Text>
                  <Text>ENV_false: ABC</Text>
                  <Text>IATA_91269312: ABC</Text>
                  <Text>Cash payment: The booking will be settled by cash payment. The specified payment card will not be used to pay for the booking.</Text>
            <FilingAirline Code="AF"/>
        <AirTraveler BirthDate="1990-01-21" PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
            <UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
          <Telephone PhoneLocationType="6" PhoneNumber="375999999999"/>
            <AddressLine>12 Main Street</AddressLine>
            <CountryName Code="US"/>
        <AirTraveler BirthDate="2010-02-01" PassengerTypeCode="CHD">
            <UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
        <AirTraveler BirthDate="2020-06-01" PassengerTypeCode="INF">
            <UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
      <BookingReferenceID ID="D0DI20ABL" Instance="supplier"/>
      <BookingReferenceID ID="D0DI20ABL_1" Instance="agent"/>
      <BookingReferenceID ID="D0DI20ABL_1" Instance="client"/>
      <BookingReferenceID ID="PM0GIHL" Instance="PNR">
        <CompanyName Code="AF" CodeContext="IATA"/>
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