Added new sections to the REST API:
New API methods are added:
GET /ownEventContracts - to get existing/added Event contracts
POST /ownEventContracts - create/add a new contract on Event
PUT /ownEventContracts - edit the existing/added Event contract
POST /departments - create a department
PUT /departments - update a department
PATCH /departments - activate/Deactivate department
POST /packagePrograms - create/add a new package program
GET /companyRegistration - shows a list of companies that are waiting registration in the system
POST /companyRegistration/{companyId}/activate - activates the Registration Request
POST /companyRegistration/{companyId}/delete - deletes the Registration Request
GET /ownTourContracts - to get existing/added Tour Contracts contracts
POST /ownTourContracts - create/add a new contract on Tour Contracts
PUT /ownTourContracts - edit the existing/added Tour Contracts contract
GET /manualExchangeRates - get manual exchange rates for currency
POST /manualExchangeRates - add new manual exchange rate for currency
GET /locationsPoints - to get existing/added Location Points
POST /locationPoints - created/add Location Points
PUT /locationPoints - edit the existing/added Location Points
GET /ownCharterContracts - to get existing/added Charter Contracts
POST /ownCharterContracts - create/add a new contract on Charter
PUT /ownCharterContracts - edit the existing/added Charter contract
GET /charterExtraServices - get charter extra services
POST /charterExtraServices - create charter extra services
PUT /charterExtraServices - update charter extra services
GET /ownCharterTariffs - get own charter tariffs
POST /ownCharterTariffs - create own charter tariffs
PUT /ownCharterTariffs - update own charter tariffs
GET /ownCharterServices - get own charter service
POST /ownCharterServices - create own charter service
PUT /ownCharterServices - update own charter service
GET /ownCharterServiceCategories - get own product service categories
POST /ownCharterServiceCategories - create own service categories
PUT /ownCharterServiceCategories - update own service categories
GET /ownCruiseContracts - to get existing/added Cruise contracts
POST /ownCruiseContracts - create/add a new contract on Cruise
PUT /ownCruiseContracts - edit the existing/added Cruise contract
GET /shipContent - get ships
POST /shipContent - save ship
PUT /shipContent/{shipId} - update ship
GET /ownInsuranceServices - to get existing/added Insurance services
POST /ownInsuranceServices - create/add Insurance service
PUT /ownInsuranceServices - edit the existing/added Insurance services
GET /OwnTransferContracts - to get existing/added Transfer contracts
POST /OwnTransferContracts - create/add a new contract on Transfer
PUT /OwnTransferContracts - edit the existing/added Transfer contract
GET /ownExtraServiceContracts - to get existing/added Own Extra Service contracts
POST /ownExtraServiceContracts - create/add a new contract on Own Extra Service
PUT /ownExtraServiceContracts - edit the existing/added Own Extra Service contract
GET /ownVisaContracts - to get existing/added Visa contracts
POST /ownVisaContracts - create/add a new contract on Visa
PUT /ownVisaContracts - edit the existing/added Visa contract
GET /ownAccommodationContracts - to get existing/added Accommodation contracts
POST /ownAccommodationContracts - create/add a new contract on Accommodation
PUT /ownAccommodationContracts - edit the existing/added Accommodation contract
GET /Venues - to get existing/added event venues
POST /Venues - create/add event venues
PUT /Venues/{venueId} - edit the existing/added event venues
GET /productBookingFieldsSettings - to get existing/added product booking fields settings
PUT /productBookingFieldsSettings - edit the existing/added product booking fields settings
New parameters are added to the existing API methods:
GET /departments - now supports localization for: name, fullLegalName, legalAddress, address, bankName, ceoName
GET /companies: parameter 'signature' is added to the to response
POST /companies: parameter 'signature' is added to the to request and response
PUT /companies: parameter 'signature' is added to the to request and response
GET /exchangeRates: parameter ‘date’ is added to the request
POST /orderManagers renamed to /massEditOrders and added 'status' parameter to the request
GET /ownHotelPrices: 'hotelCurrency' removed from AccommodationInfo and currency added to AccommodationTariff
GET /ownAccommodationContracts: now returns 'transactionsCurrency' in response
POST /ownAccommodationContracts: parameter ‘transactionsCurrency’ is added to the to request and response