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Reservation Confirmation Response returns information about booking that has been made, its status and reservation IDs.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| RPH* | integer | A special identifier of requested flight. | 1...1 |
AirItinerary* | | | A collection of all flight segments requested for booking. | 1...1 |
| BookingCode* | string | Unique offer identifier. | 1...1 |
| ActionCode* | string ("Reserved", "Request denied", “Issued”) | Indicates status of the reservation. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the PNR created successfully. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this request and flight can not be booked. "Issued" - this status is available for Web Fare bookings only. Which means that the booking was reserved and a ticket was issued. | 1...1 |
| CodeContext | string | An id of supplier providing offer. | 0...1 |
AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption* | | | For more information see Low Fare Search Response section. | 1...* |
AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption/FlightSegment* | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 1...* |
PriceInfo* | | | Contains special formulas for applying different discounts for the offer. | 1…1 |
| FilingAirlineCodeList | string | The list of codes of the validating airlines. | 0...1 |
| PricingSource | string ("Published", "Private", "WebFare") | Identifies private fare or not. In case of private fare has "Private" value, also can be "Published". For LCC it has the value "WebFare", which means that Flight Reservation Confirmation will be the final step of the booking process and additional warning message about that is displayed to warn a client. | 0...1 |
PriceInfo/ItinTotalFare* | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | |
PriceInfo/PTC_FareBreakdowns/PTC_FareBreakdown* | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 1...* |
PriceInfo/FareInfos/FareInfo | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...* |
TravelerInfo | | | Contains information about the travelers for booking. | 0...1 |
TravelerInfo/AirTraveler | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...* |
TravelerInfo/SpecialReqDetails | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...1 |
Ticketing | | | Contains ticketing information. | 1 |
| TicketTimeLimit | yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss | Indicates the ticketing arrangement, and allows for the requirement that an itinerary must be ticketed by a certain date and time, including timezone offset. | 0...1 |
| TicketType | string ("eTicket") | Indicates type of ticket. Must be "eTicket" only. | 0...1 |
| PseudoCityCode | string | An identification code assigned to an office/agency by a reservation system. | 0...1 |
Queues/Queue | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | |
| | | Contains information about reservation identifiers. | 1...5 |
| ID* | string | A value of booking reference. | 1...1 |
| Instance* | string ("client", "agent", , “PNR“) | Indicates type of BookingReference ID. The “client” context means that the ID value is the unique reservation identifier in the client system. The “agent” context means that the ID value is the reservation identifier which client wants to use in communication with supplier. The ”supplier” context contains the unique record number in supplier’s system. | 1...1 |
BookingReferenceID/CompanyName | | | Indicates type of specified PNR. | 0...1 |
| Code | string (2 - 3) | Air company code. | 0...1 |
| CodeContext | string | Specifies the context of the Code. | 0...1 |
Flight Reservation Confirmation Response Sample XML - 2 ADT 1 CHD
<OTA_AirBookRS Version="2.0" TransactionStatusCode="Book" TransactionIdentifier="4350" EchoToken="12345" xmlns="">
<AirReservations ResStatus="Reserved">
<AirReservation RPH="1">
<AirItinerary BookingCode="6d05da" ActionCode="Reserved" CodeContext="supplierCode">
<OriginDestinationOption RPH="1">
<FlightSegment RPH="11" Status="Have Sold" FlightNumber="4903" StopQuantity="0" FlightDuration="PT2H45M0.000S" DepartureDateTime="2020-07-12T11:45:00" ArrivalDateTime="2020-07-12T12:25:00">
<DepartureAirport Terminal="F" LocationCode="SVO"/>
<ArrivalAirport Terminal="1" LocationCode="PRG"/>
<OperatingAirline Code="SU"/>
<Equipment AirEquipType="320"/>
<MarketingAirline Code="OK"/>
<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X" ResBookDesigName="Economy"/>
<FlightSegment RPH="12" Status="Have Sold" FlightNumber="726" DepartureDateTime="2020-07-12T20:15:00" ArrivalDateTime="2020-07-12T22:00:00">
<DepartureAirport Terminal="2" LocationCode="PRG"/>
<ArrivalAirport Terminal="3" LocationCode="FCO"/>
<MarketingAirline Code="OK"/>
<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X"/>
<PriceInfo FilingAirlineCodeList="AF">
<BaseFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="24480.00"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="7680.00" TaxCode="AC"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="1626.00" TaxCode="DP"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="576.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="1884.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="90.00" TaxCode="AD"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="246.00" TaxCode="AE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="660.00" TaxCode="CO"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="1884.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="576.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<TotalFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="37989.00"/>
<PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="2" Code="ADT"/>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">XSK</FareBasisCode>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="12">XSK</FareBasisCode>
<BaseFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="9160.00"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="2560.00" TaxCode="AC"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="542.00" TaxCode="DP"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="192.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="628.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="30.00" TaxCode="AD"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="82.00" TaxCode="AE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="220.00" TaxCode="CO"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="211.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="73.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<TotalFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="13698.00"/>
<BaggageAllowance FlightSegmentRPH="11" UnitOfMeasureCode="K" UnitOfMeasureQuantity="20"/>
<PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="CHD"/>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">XSKYRU</FareBasisCode>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="12">XSKYRU</FareBasisCode>
<BaseFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="6160.00"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="2560.00" TaxCode="AC"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="542.00" TaxCode="DP"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="192.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="628.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="30.00" TaxCode="AD"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="82.00" TaxCode="AE"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="220.00" TaxCode="CO"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="106.00" TaxCode="EB"/>
<Tax CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="73.00" TaxCode="SE"/>
<TotalFare CurrencyCode="RUB" Amount="10593.00"/>
<BaggageAllowance FlightSegmentRPH="11" UnitOfMeasureCode="K" UnitOfMeasureQuantity="20"/>
<VoluntaryChanges VolChangeInd="true">
<Penalty Percent="100"/>
<Text>ADV OFFER</Text>
<FilingAirline Code="HP"/>
<VoluntaryChanges VolChangeInd="true">
<Penalty Percent="100"/>
<FilingAirline Code="HP"/>
<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<Document ExpireDate="2025-12-11" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" Gender="Male" DocType="P" DocIssueLocation="GB" DocID="11111" DocHolderNationality="GB"/>
<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<Document ExpireDate="2025-12-11" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" Gender="Female" DocType="P" DocIssueLocation="GB" DocID="11111" DocHolderNationality="GB"/>
<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="CHD">
<UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
<Document ExpireDate="2025-12-11" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" Gender="Male" DocType="P" DocIssueLocation="GB" DocID="11111" DocHolderNationality="GB"/>
<Ticketing TicketType="eTicket" TicketTimeLimit="2020-05-20T00:00:00-04:00" PseudoCityCode="XXXX000YY"/>
<BookingReferenceID ID="G001456" Instance="supplier"/>
<BookingReferenceID ID="ol1" Instance="agent"/>
<BookingReferenceID ID="ol1" Instance="client"/>
Flight Reservation Confirmation Response of Web Fare Sample XML
<OTA_AirBookRS EchoToken="12345" TransactionIdentifier="152577" TransactionStatusCode="Book" Version="2.0" xmlns="">
<AirReservation RPH="1">
<AirItinerary ActionCode="Issued" BookingCode="fd58464" CodeContext="supplierCode">
<OriginDestinationOption JourneyDuration="PT2H35M0.000S" RPH="1">
<FlightSegment Status="Have Sold" FlightNumber="9469" ArrivalDateTime="2020-05-23T10:30:00" DepartureDateTime="2020-05-23T08:05:00" FlightDuration="PT1H25M0.000S" RPH="11" StopQuantity="0">
<DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="DUS"/>
<OperatingAirline Code="EW"/>
<MarketingAirline Code="EW"/>
<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X" ResBookDesigName="Basic"/>
<FlightSegment Status="Have Sold" FlightNumber="9404" ArrivalDateTime="2020-05-23T16:20:00" DepartureDateTime="2020-05-23T15:10:00" FlightDuration="PT1H10M0.000S" RPH="12" StopQuantity="0">
<DepartureAirport LocationCode="DUS"/>
<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="CDG"/>
<OperatingAirline Code="EW"/>
<MarketingAirline Code="EW"/>
<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X" ResBookDesigName="Basic"/>
<PriceInfo FilingAirlineCodeList="EW" PricingSource="WebFare">
<BaseFare Amount="45.25" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Tax TaxCode="17" Amount="34.56" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalFare Amount="79.81" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<PTC_FareBreakdown FilingAirlineCode="EW">
<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="11">AEW9469X</FareBasisCode>
<FareBasisCode FlightSegmentRPH="12">AEW9404X</FareBasisCode>
<BaseFare Amount="45.25" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Tax TaxCode="17" Amount="34.56" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalFare Amount="79.81" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<FilingAirline Code="EW"/>
<AirTraveler BirthDate="1974-08-13" PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
<UniqueID Type="1" ID="1"/>
<Telephone AreaCityCode="45" CountryAccessCode="375" PhoneLocationType="8" PhoneNumber="4684548"/>
<Document DocHolderNationality="FR" DocID="sd4684684" DocIssueCountry="FR" DocType="P" HolderType="H" Gender="Male" ExpireDate="2025-08-15"/>
<SpecialServiceRequest SSRCode="TIRV"/>
<BookingReferenceID Instance="PNR" ID="8NSW2Y0">
<CompanyName Code="EW" CodeContext="IATA"/>
<BookingReferenceID Instance="supplier" ID="MF04162418"/>
<BookingReferenceID Instance="agent" ID="mist_test"/>
<BookingReferenceID Instance="client" ID="mist_test"/>