Booking flights

Booking flights

The next two steps of booking flights are:

  • filling passenger information;

  • confirming reservation.

Filling passenger information

  1. On the Passengers tab, fill in the information about passengers:

    1. Full name: enter First and Last name of a passenger, the Middle name is optional.

    2. Date of birth: specify the date of birth.
      Either click and click the date in the calendar or locate mouse pointer into the box and type the date manually.

    3. Nationality: select the passenger's citizenship.

    4. Passport data: type the passport number and its expiry date.

    5. Contacts: enter a phone number and an e-mail.

    6. Frequent flyer card: in case a passenger possesses a frequent flyer card, select its type and enter the number.

  2. As soon as all the necessary information is specified, click Continue.

Confirming reservation

  1. On the Confirmation tab, select the payment method:

  2. Select the I have read and accept fare conditions, tour operator conditions check box.

  3. Click Book.

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