Search of Transfers
To search for a transfer,
Click the transfer icon to expand the search form. The transfer search form appears:
2. In the search form, specify the following information:
Departure: for the departure you should specify the city and the pick-up location.
Arrival: for the arrival you should specify the city and the drop-off location.
Date: specify the transfer rendering date.
Time: specify the preferred time of the transfer.
Passengers: specify the number of adult and child passengers. For children, additional Age drop-downs appear corresponding with the number of children in the reservation. Thus for every child tourist you should specify their age.
3. On this stage you can click Search to initiate search process. Alternatively if you want to get more precise results, click Additional search options to expand the additional search criteria:
4. Specify the following additional search criteria:
Transfer type: select the check box of your choice depending on the preferred type of transfer.
Show only available offers: select the box to see only those offers that can be immediately booked and do not require supplier confirmation.
Show detailed offers: select the check box to see the detailed information on the offers on the search results page.
Supplier: select the preferred supplier from the drop-down.
5. Click Search.