Information: Specifying General Inforamtion

Information: Specifying General Inforamtion

To create a new self-operated insurance service,

  1. On the Self-operated products menu click Insurance.

  2. On the Insurance page, click Create. The New policy type page appears:

  3. In the New policy type window, specify the following information

    1. Name: type the name of the insurance.

    2. Supplier: select the insurance service supplier.

    3. Transaction currency: select the currency to use for settlements with suppliers. The currency will also be used for setting tariffs, price-lists, etc.

    4. Countries covered by insurance: specify the set of countries covered by the insurance.

      1. In case the coverage is not restricted to a certain set of countries, click All countries.

      2. To restrict the list of countries covered by the insurance, click Select from the list, then click Add. The list of countries appears. Select the countries of your choice and click Save.

    5. Insurance is available for citizens of the following countries: in the group, specify the citizens of what countries can apply for the insurance. Follow the steps described above.

    6. Insurance risks: select the check boxes to indicate which accidents are covered by the insurance.

    7. Short description: type the insurance service description. The description will be displayed on the Search results page.

    8. Description: type the description of the service. This description will be displayed in the window with the detailed information on the insurance.

    9. Insurance regulations: Upload a file highlighting insurance documents, regulations or explaining any other information on the service.

      1. To upload a file from your PC, in the Upload file group, click Add, browse to the required file, click Open and then click Upload.

      2. To upload a file from an external web-source, click Upload via link to expand the form. Locate mouse pointer into the bar, enter the required link and click Upload.

  4. Click Save.

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