GPTE Favorites

GPTE Favorites

In the GP Booking Engine you may also use the Favorites functionality to have fast access to the preferred products (hotels and activities).

To add the product to the Favorites list:
1. Initiate the search of a hotel or an activity;
2. on the search results page click on the ‘heart’ icon on the product photo:

  1. The product becomes marked with a ‘red heart’ icon:


To view the List of Favorites:

  1. Click on the ‘user name’ in the Menu;

  2. select ‘Favorites’ from the dropdown:

  1. the system displays 2 tabs: Hotels and Activities. Each of them presents the corresponding favourite products added by the user:

To remove the product from favorites:

Click the ‘heart’ icon again, the product will be removed from Favorites list.


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