GPTE Voucher
Reservation details
After you click Book on Reservation confirmation page, a Reservation page opens with a pop-up confirming the completed reservation:
Click OK in order to continue editing the reservation.
At this point you can manage the reservation and download a voucher / send it to E-mail.
Before finalizing the reservation and printing a voucher, some modifications can be executed:
To edit the name of a reservation, click
(Edit) at the reservation number. Enter the name of the reservation into the bar and save changes →
To assign the reservation to other manager, click
(Edit) opposite the Manager label →
To change the reservation status, click
(Edit) opposite the reservation status →
To view the history of modifications made to the reservation, click Manage reservation - View history of changes →
To get a voucher:
to download it in PDF format, either click Voucher in the reservation summary or click Voucher button at a particular service;
to send it to E-mail, click Voucher button at a particular service, select “Send to E-mail” option → click OK.
For more information, please see Reservations .