Managing Contracts

Managing Contracts

The relations between companies are regulated by contracts.

Contract – is a union of sales conditions that include:

  • What products should be available

  • What markup and commission should be applied

  • Whether VAT should be applied or not

  • Etc

System allows to configure different contracts for different sales channels.


In compliance with the type of client and cooperation, rates and marketing terms can be configured in the following ways:

  • Direct sales: these are the sales conditions that are applied if Tour Operator staff sells services directly to the tourists.

  • Web sales: these are the sales conditions that are applied for search&book via Tour Operator web site (when travelers make bookings by themselves).

  • Groups of contracts: client companies can be arranged into groups with the same contract terms set for all of them. It’s possible to create as many of such groups, as you need.

  • Individual contracts: in this case you configure individual terms with a particular client.

Contracts for different types of sales channels have their own minor specifics (e.g. Agencies may get commission while Corporate Clients not), although overall structure of them is the same and is described below.

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